15. Physically Distant

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I haven't realized why I'm highly motivated to write this story when there are hardly any readers. It's all because of you few readers who generously comment and voice out your views!

Thank you very much!!💜💜

I'm also hopeful this story would soon find some amazing new readers too! Haha! Hope is a good thing🙈😂

Thank you for letting me hope, guys! 💜


Avni woke up feeling a tickling sensation on her feet. She opened her eyes, stretched her arms, and smiled brightly at her Papa, rubbing her feet.

Avni has always been a pampered little princess of their house. Her father pampers her by calling nicknames, kissing her feet and massaging them, playing with her hands, and so on.

"Good Morning, Papa," Avni greeted, placing a peck on his cheek and hugging him.

It's been three months since she has been to her parents' house. Her bedroom is filled with every color, which is perfectly blended. Every corner of her room is intricately designed while curing her boredom.

"Freshen up, Princess. Breakfast is ready," Shankar informed, walking out of the room.

"Aloo poori? Amma, I love you so much," Avni exclaimed, rushing to the dining table as her mouth watered, inhaling the aroma.

Gowri gently hit her head as she grabbed her chair and filled her plate real quick. "Behave, Avni. You're not a five-year-old."

"No problem. Siddharth never complains," Avni giggled, winking at her mother.

"Did Siddharth have his breakfast?"

A thought ran through her head as she was about to take a bite. She rushed into the room and sent a quick text to her husband, "Had breakfast?"

"Not yet. Just woke up," Siddharth replied.

"Well, Good morning then! Good day!" Siddharth's phone popped with her message. He smiled contently as the day already began well.

Siddharth couldn't sleep all night as he missed her. The sound of her bangles clicking against each other whenever she twisted has become his sleep music.

He hugged Fin, inhaling her fragrance, and dozed off sometime around midnight.

Siddharth paced out of the washroom directly to the couch, where Avni placed everything he needed, and sighed disappointedly, moving into the walk-in closet.

Selecting a suit has never been a problem, but it's been a long time since he did that. He let out a frustrated groan sliding the door to their wardrobe only to smile later.

Avni has hung suits and casuals in order. A suit, nightwear, followed by a suit for the following day, and so on. He chuckled, realizing her cute thoughtfulness.

Siddharth missed the fragrance of incense sticks from the prayer room and the special aroma of breakfast from the dining hall as he descended the stairs.

Mrs. Kaur, The chef, arranged his breakfast as he occupied a chair. "Good morning, Sid," She greeted, pouring a glass of mango juice into the glass.

He nodded, wishing her back, "Morning, Di."

Siddharth chuckled, sipping the mango juice. He remembered Avni grabbing it and gulping it down as he teased her during their reception. He missed their random playful conversations during breakfast.

Siddharth noticed the flowers still adorning the plants instead of the prayer hall and missing rangoli walking out of the main door. He recalled her asking if he had forgotten to take his phone and handing in his keys before leaving.

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