10. A weekend well spent

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Avni peered out of the window, enjoying the view as Siddharth drove home after a tiresome and joyous day. Soft music played in the background just as she desired.

"Siddharth," Avni called, turning to him, biting her nails.

Siddharth frowned in confusion, gesturing her to go on.

"Can we spend some time here? The weather is calm and soothing," Avni suggested hesitantly with her fingers crossed.

The car came to a screeching halt, and he smiled, unlocking her door.

Avni's face brightened instantly, hopping out of the car. She knocked on Siddharth's side window, noticing him not getting down. He wasn't interested but couldn't deny her hope-filled request.

"Can I sit on this?" Avni questioned, pointing to the front portion of the car.

"Anything you want," Siddharth smiled, nodding in an affirmative.

Avni struggled to climb onto the bonnet when Siddharth walked to her side. She hesitantly waited for his help, and he held her hand, placing it on his shoulder. He caught her other hand, gesturing her to put her feet on the bumper.

"Are you sure? What if the bumper breaks?" Avni pouted, thinking seriously.

"Even cheap quality bumpers won't break for your weight, Dear Wife! You'll have to eat at least ten times more to make a dent in this one," Siddharth chuckled, pulling her leg.

A shiver ran down her spine the moment he uttered, 'Dear Wife.' This is the first time he addressed her as wife in a casual conversation, and it felt nice.

Avni quickly recovered hearing his following sentence and hit him with her fists whining, "I'm not that weak!"

"That's why your punches hurt terribly," Siddharth exclaimed, not even feeling the slightest sensation.

"Yeah, I'm taking it easy as you're my husband. Otherwise, I would've hit you harder," Avni boasted, pretending to be confident.

"Alright, Now try," Siddharth helped her climb up, dropping the conversation. Avni happily settled down on the bonnet leaning against the windshield and stretching her legs.

Siddharth soon accompanied her and sat adjacent to her on her insistence.

Time passed in silence as they enjoyed the weather. Avni had no knowledge of when she clasped their hands together for warmth. His hands were warm and slightly rough against her cool soft ones.

"Close your eyes and make a wish, Siddharth," Avni blurted, cutting in through the pleasant silence.

Siddharth frowned in confusion, turning to her. "See there! A star is falling. If you wish something seeing a falling star, it'll be granted," Siddharth sighed, hearing her but anyway obliged.

"Bless Avni and Ma with loads of happiness, dear star."

Siddharth prayed silently, believing in her faith. He is a traditional person, but that's limited to offering prayers. He never went to God with a wish list trusting his hard work.

"Whatever Siddharth's wish is, please fulfill it." 

Avni murmured incoherent words closing her eyes. Siddharth sighed, laughing out loud, witnessing a new adorable side of her.

"Why are you laughing?" Avni questioned as soon as she opened her eyes.

"Nothing! What did you pray for?" Siddharth asked, diverting the topic.

"Revealed wishes won't be fulfilled. You don't know?" Avni explained sincerely, earning another laughter from Siddharth.

"You believe in all this?" Siddharth couldn't stop exclaiming.

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