Chapter Thirty

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Third PoV:

He couldn't believe it. No, his eyes must still be recovering from recently returning from the dead. It just simply couldn't be. Jeremy felt tears swelling in his eyes as he gazed down at his sister's prone body lying cold on the cave floor. A part of him knew it was inevitable, Ashley was the only Gilbert sibling left who hadn't died.

Through his peripheral vision, he also saw Bonnie's limp form. Two of the people he cared for the most, gone. Down in his heart, he wished that he could redo so many things, such as let go of Anna as soon as he could, he had Bonnie, and that's all he needed. Jeremy felt another wave of sadness pass over him at the thought of his neglected sister, how many times had he sought refuge in her arms after their parents death? Too many times to count, and yet he had never once asked how she felt.

Elena had always shunned Ashley for being too different, and too smart. That's part their parents fault. The Gilberts were a a respected founding family, it sould be shameful and embarrassing to admit or address their problems at home. Elena was the favorite, always was, always will be. Their parents were so proud of the doppelganger, a popular girl with many friends, a nice boyfriend, and a place on the cheerleading team.

Jeremy is ashamed at how many times he ignored Ashley. Just now, he realized that elementary and middle school must've been her own personal hell. How many times had she kindly offered to play video games with him after school and he had brushed her off without a second care? It hurt his soul to think of his amazing sister, now just a cold shell of her former self.

He sank to his knees, feeling the weight of it all come crushing down upon him. He reached for Bonnie's broken form, cradling her in his arms, rocking back and form. Jeremy would've done so to Ashley, but remembered her aversion to physical touch. He couldn't disrespect her, even in death.

The young Gilbert boy sobbed as he held the Bennet witch, though Silas was dead, he had lost more than anyone. It seemed as the next hour past in a blur, his mind set on autopilot as he hid Bonnie's body and mourned the lost of his sister. Jeremy knew he had to tell Elena, maybe their sister's death would shock her back to reality. Leaving the cavern, he glanced back at Ashley's body, the image forever ingraining itself in his brain.

Waiting for the footsteps of the Gilbert to recede, a shadow waiting in the corner slunk out from it's hiding place. Glancing around to make sure it's utterly alone, it picked up the broken corpse of the albino, replacing it with a dummy whose features were eerily similar to the girl's. Listening out for any noises, the figure quickly made it's escape through of the many side tunnels running under the town.


Several hours earlier...

"Hey, it's Ashley, I need to cash in a favor you owe me..."

A little while later, and Klaus is standing in Retreat, examining the many shelves of weapons and items.

"Nice little hidey-hole you have here," He comments, picking up a delicately designed sword and turning it over in his hands. "I have to admit, I would've probably never found this place of your's. Then again, I truly never thought you would invite me here."

The Original had practically dissolved when Ashley's name had popped on his phone screen. And when she had admitted to needing his help, well he had broken about twenty driving laws to drive up from New Orleans. Ashley disregarded the statement and removed the sword from Klaus' hand, laying it carefully back on it's resting place.

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