Chapter Four

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Tiptoeing down the stairs, I slowly make my way to the kitchen, hunting for food. I smile as I spot my prey, a fresh batch of cookies that Jenna made this morning. Stacking like, five in my hand I try sneaking back upstairs, but I accidently bump into Elena.

"Sorry!"                                                            I apologize, but then I notice that she looks really suspicious, her eyes are all shifty.

"Wait, where are you going and what are you doing? You haven't looked that guilty since Aunt Jenna caught Stefan sneaking out of your room."

She blushed, but then quickly regained her usual self-important posture,

"Nowhere, I mean, I'm just meeting Caroline at the Grille"                                   She readjusted her purse strap and wouldn't meet my eyes, I squint at her.

"Girl you lying, you've never been good at lying, so just tell me where you're going so I can decide whether or not it's worth stopping you from doing"                                                                I accuse her, sliding over to block her path to the door. She sighs,

"I'm going to get Rose to take me to that guy, Slater, I can use him to find out about Klaus"

I think about it for a minute, then I say,

"I'm coming with you, we barely know this Rose chick, we don't need you ending up dead, the family plot is already getting full"

She nods, so I throw on my jacket and head out the door with her.


We arrive at Slater's, with me keeping an eye on Rose the whole ride, making sure she doesn't do anything suspicious. Rose knocks on the door, but no one answers, Elena insists that we basically break in, saying that we haven't come this far for nothing.  

I inwardly roll my eyes at my sister's dramatics, while Rose opens the curtains. I check around the apartment, trying see if anything is lurking in the shadows.

Opening a door, I see a desiccated body laying on the ground, a stake in his heart.

"Hey guys"
I call out,

"I don't think Slater's gonna be any help"

Elena and Rose come and stand behind me, they both gasp when they see the body.

They both start talking to each other, but I continue my tour around the place, eventually hearing a noise from a closet.
I pull open the door, and a sobbing girl falls into my arms.

"Uh, Rose? A little help here?"
I basically carry the girl back into the main room.

The girl disconnects from me and latches on to Rose,

"Alice, Slater's girlfriend"
  Rose whispered to Elena and I, I nodded in understanding.

"Alice could you help us get into Slater's computer?"
I ask the sobbing girl, hoping we can get some use out of her,

"What are you talking about? I just watched my boyfriend get murdered!"
She exclaimed, tears streaming down her face, Elena glared at me.

"Given that you didn't call the police immediately when your vampire boyfriend got a stake shoved into his heart, and you instead hid, I assumed you were only dating him so he would turn you"
  I deduced, casually leaning against a beam.

Rose looked at me with wait, is that admiration? Wow, I thought it was obvious.

"Exactly what Ashley said"
  Rose said to Elena, and Alice finally started to calm down some.

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