Chapter Twenty-Six

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The first thing I noticed after coming out of my self-induced daydream is a weight on my shoulder. Tilting my rather stiff neck, I turn to see Klaus' head resting on my collarbone. Resisting the urge to ruffle his hair, I twitch slightly, trying to wake him up.

He grumbles slightly and shifts just enough for his head to fall from my shoulder and into my lap. Gritting my teeth, I bit back groan that threatened to escape my lips from the uncomfortable pressure. Seriously, can he please just wake up.

Klaus moved again, but didn't open his eyes. Oh I am so going to kill him when he gets up. A lightbulb went off in my brain and I grinned evilly at the sudden idea. Grabbing a pillow that had been thrown from the overturned couch, I held it above his head, and then unceremoniously whacked him.

Yeeting the cushion as far away as I could, I crossed my arms and pretended I had done absolutely nothing. A groan came from my lap, and I looked down to see Klaus' lazy eyes staring back up at me.

"Hello, sweetheart." His voice is husky from the aftereffects of sleepiness. Although we weren't technically asleep, just in a imaginary landscape.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, "Could you please get off my lap?" I asked.

"Mmm. Perhaps not, it's rather comfortable." He charmingly smirked, putting his hands behind his head.

"Dude, seriously, get off. Your big, bony head is very uncomfortable."


"Why the heck not?" As you can tell, I'm kinda frustrated at this point.

"I already told you, love. It happens you very comfortable and relaxing for me."

"Yeah well, it's annoying, so..."

I then preceded to simultaneously push his head off and stand up.

"Ouch, love. Harsh." Klaus now too stood up, facing me and scratching the place where his head hit the floor.

"Yeah, well you deserved it. My legs were getting cramped." I snarkily replied, stretching out my arms.

Glancing at my watch, I realized it had only been about half an hour since Tyler had left with the very distraught and injured Caroline. Time really does work different in the mind.

I could tell Klaus was about to make some smart remark, when the front door opened. Wow, think of the devil and he shall appear. As Tyler walked in, carrying Caroline in his arms.

"You want to be in control Klaus? Here." He set the blonde down on the floor next to the barrier. "Now you get to be in control of her life. If you want her to die, fine. But then you can sit here and watch her die yourself."

He then walked out, not even staying with his so-called 'girlfriend. Um, rude. Staring down at the sweaty and sick blonde, my thoughts were kinda like: bro, like what we supposed to do now? She's gonna kill the vibe.

I was brought back from my thoughts by the sound of Klaus speaking,

"Nothing personal love. If I cure you, that means victory for him. Don't worry, it won't be long now."

Big oof.


"If you don't feed me your blood, I'll die." Caroline, who is now situated on the couch, thanks to Klaus, weakly muttered.

"Then you'll die, and Tyler would have learned his lesson the hard way." Klaus blunted, clearly avoiding eye contact. Dude, just admit your feelings, heal her, and get over it. I'd rather not have to endure several hours of whining and whimpering.

White Sins जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें