Chapter Eighteen

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Draping the body over the pool table, I lined up his hands with a pool cue. Making it seem as if he were lining up for a shot instead of being dead. Admiring my work, I glanced around the dead silent bar. Bodies were littered around the room, each arranged as if they were doing a task.

Wiping my bloody hands on my jeans, I glanced at my image in a mirror across the wall from me. The normally white ends of my hair is streaked with blood as if I dipped them in a bucket of the red liquid.
My gray shirt wasn't in much better shape, drips of dark blood staining the cotton.

After Klaus had left that morning, the hunger for blood had soon become insatiable. Finding a bar on the outskirts of Mystic Falls was probably one of the best ideas I ever had. After compelling all the people, I had then preceded to test out my newfound desire to feed.

The first one died rather horribly with me ravaging into his neck with a viciousness I didn't know I had. After that, control came to me easily. All of my other victims had neat little bites on their necks, not a single drop of blood wasted or spilled.

Doing a once over of the room, I nodded to myself and left, satisfied. I hadn't left a single fingerprint, and there wasn't any security cameras. A poor decision on their part really. Normally I would burn the place down, but I felt a strange sense of pride at the scene I had left.

Taking my time, I practically waltzed back to Retreat, whistling the whole way.


Ringing out my wet hair, I wrapped it up in a towel and practically collapsed on my bed. I didn't feel the need to sleep though. My whole body was buzzing with adrenaline, it felt like a whole bunch of energy just waiting to be used.

The phone on the nightstand next to me started to ring. Groaning, I reached over and answered it.


"Oh my gosh Ashley! Can you not just pick up your phone for once? I've been trying to reach you all day!"
Came Caroline's voice from the speaker. Frowning, I looked at my screen,

27 Missed Calls.


"I had a busy day and left my phone at my place by accident. Things can't be that bad, can they?"
I amended, not admitting that I had just killed twenty some people.

"That bad!"
  Caroline cried out, indignant. I then preceded to listen to her rant about Alaric, Klaus, and finally, Elena. It seems my sister's worst fear has come true and she'll be a vampire. Whoop-de-do! Looks like she'll be even more like Katherine now!

"Yeah, so... why does this concern me? You know I try to stay out of Salvatore drama."

"For once in your life, Ashley! Will you please just help your sister out? She's over at the Boarding House. My mom says the Council coming after us. They'll be headed to the Salvatore's next, just make sure they don't hurt Elena, okay? She's in transition, its gonna be- wait hold on, my mom's calling. I'll talk to you later."
She then preceded to hang up on me.

Sighing, I grabbed a black jacket to go over my plaid, and headed out.


Walking in through the very open front door, my way was semi-blocked by a group of officers and the pastor.

"Good afternoon gentlemen,"
They all turned to look at me as I walked through them and stood next to Stefan.

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