Chapter Twenty-Seven

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As our laughter died down, a sudden wave of, something, passed over me. I shivered involuntarily at the feeling. Curious, I got up from my seat and walked over to where the barrier is. Klaus raised an eyebrow at me,

"What's wrong, love?"

Not bothering to answer, I simply placed a hand right where the invisible wall was. My arm fell right through. It's gone. Something must have happened to Bonnie, unfortunately.

"The barrier's down." I said simply. Klaus got up quickly, and tested it for himself. Sure enough, he's able to walk through.

"Welp," I brought my hands together for a single clap. "I'm gonna go and leave you to say sappy things to your paramour."

Turning around, I was heading out the back door when Klaus' voice stopped me,

"Wait, Ashley!"

I slowly turned my head to face him where he stood in the living room.

"Thank you. For helping." His eyes shone with sincerity, and I knew that things would've been ten times worse had I not been here. So I just nodded in acknowledgement and walked out.


"Jeremy's dead."

I hung up and tossed the phone on my bed. Sitting and staring at the cave wall is all I can do. Just like that, another piece, well, more of a fraction really, shattered. My soul seems to grow a little darker every day.

My fingers tapped rapidly up and down atop the table. I always knew that the doppelganger would somehow get him killed. It was only a matter of time. In fact, I bet you right now that my dearest sister is having a "mental breakdown" involving tears, stuttering, and the words, "I can't."

Pathetic. Hmmm... Damon's next move would probably be to use the sire bond to get her to turn off her humanity switch. But, they don't know that that's the only way to get rid of a vampire's sirebond. Idiots. It's so painfully obvious.

So they'll have to deal with an emotionless Elena. Great. I let out a sigh at the thought. She'll probably just be more of a self-centered jerk as usual. Guess I'll just ignore the Scooby-Doo gang for a couple days.

Katherine has most likely skipped town with the cure by now, so I guess Humanity-Less Elena will probably go after her soon. Seeing as how the Salvatore brothers will shove the cure down her throat the second they get it.

This will be entertaining, but also annoying too. Setting aside these thoughts, I collapse on my bed, looking forward to a few days of completely ignoring everything.


"Ay yo Klaus!" I shouted to his semi-empty mansion. "Where you at? You texted me like, a billion times, what's going on?"

I walked into his living room to see him leaning against the piano seat, shirtless.

"Woah! Dude!" I covered my eyes with my hand. "A little warning next time?"

"Is it really you?" Klaus' voice was tentative, something I thought I would never hear.

"What kinda stupid questi- Oh. Silas has been here, hasn't he? What'd he do? Torment you with visions of people? That's rough buddy." My hand still shielded my eyes from the semi-naked Original.

"Yes, that's you alright, sweetheart." His voice regained it's usual haughtiness.

"Can you put a shirt on or somethin?" I sarcastically asked.

"No, considering there's a hole in my back where Silas stabbed with with a piece of the white oak stake. And it's  nothing you haven't seen before, love."

"That's was under different circumstances."

Removing the hand covering my eyes, I allowed my vision to focus on Klaus again. He's currently bent over the piano bench, a sizable hole where the wood must've gone in.

"Oof. That's looks painful." I comment, decidedly unhelpful.

"Well yes, love. That's usually what comes with quite literally being stabbed in the back." His sarcastic reply had an edge of gruffness to it.

Noticing a pair of pliers lying on the floor, I bend down to pick them up before going over to stand behind Klaus.

"I suppose you need me to get the white oak splinter out."

"Well I wouldn't mind a little he- ouch!"

He cried out as I started digging into his flesh without warning.

"Oh sit still you big baby." I teased playfully as I dug through the tender wound. He let out a low growl in reply, clearly aggravated with me. Well, he can get over it.

"Hmm, I'm not seeing anything in here, perhaps you already got it out?" I pondered aloud. Of course I already knew the answer, Silas was using more mind tricks to simply make Klaus think he had been stabbed with white oak.

"I think I would bloody well know if I had somehow miraculously pulled it out by myself." His voice was laced with a venomous tone.

"Alright buddy, chill. I was only asking."

A few more minutes passed in silence.

"Yeah, so, I can't find anything. Which means..." I let the statement die out, resting my hands on his tense shoulders.

"Which means what, love? I'm really quite curious."

"That I unfortunately have to do this." I sigh, bringing my hands together on either side of his head before snapping it quickly.

Klaus' body fell off the bench and onto the floor with a clunk. Sighing once again, I gathered the materials I needed before kneeling beside his semi-dead body.


Klaus awoke with a start and I leaned back from the couch where I had placed him.

"What the bloody heck Ashley! You snapped my neck!" He growled, rubbing the sore spot behind his head.

"How observant of you. Perhaps you should use those observation skills to see how your wound is doing." I reply smoothly.

He turned over on the cushions to look at his back.

"It's... gone. Completely. How?" Klaus was clearly confused.

"Simple. It was all a mind trick. I stopped you from thinking or concentrating for a little while, bada-bing, bada-boom, fixed. It did need a little coaxing to completely close, so I used some needle and thread from your kitchen to stitch you right up." I explained.

"Oh. Thank you, love."

"Yeah well, now that we're finished here, I'm just gonna go..." I got up and headed toward the door,

"Wait!" Klaus called after me.

"Uh, yeah?" Turning back toward him, I raised my eyebrow, waiting.

"If you ever need anything, Ashley, I'll be more than willing to help. In fact my entire family is indebted to you."

I shrugged, "I'll keep that in mind. G'night Klaus." And walked out the big bad hybrid's mansion.

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