Chapter Nineteen

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Leaning against the wall, I glanced boredly around the church as the mayor droned on and on about the twelve tragedies that occurred. It was honestly starting to get unbearable. Literally everybody knows that it wasn't no faulty gas line.

Debating about whether or not to leave, the smell of blood suddenly infiltrated my nostrils. My control is impeccable, so it's no more of an annoyance really. My main concern is my newbie vamp sister that can't seem to drink out of a blood bag is losing control.

I can practically hear her self-righteous cry that she won't feed on Matt from here. Oh, wait, I can. Really, Elena? Fake feeding with fake mourning, why lean on your ex when you have two perfectly good boyfriends right next to you? She's stupid with two oo's.

Oh no. Looks like Tyler just got shot by the cult vampire hunter upstairs. Bummer. I chose this time to make my getaway instead of listening to Caroline whine over her hybrid boyfriend.

~~~~~Big Boss Time Skip~~~~~

As I walked up the front of my house, I didn't even bother knocking before bursting in through the front door.

"Where's my idiot of a sister?!" I yelled up the stairs. Stefan and Damon entered through the living room.

"Ashley," Stefan scowled, "what? You got tired of being all high and mighty so you decided to come and bother your sister."

Smiling condescendingly, I chuckled lightly.
"Actually, yes. You know, considering that she stabbed Jeremy last night. Now, where is the coward? Upstairs, hiding behind her boyfriend bodyguards?"

The brothers both moved so they were blocking my path to the stairs.

"How do you even know about that?"
Damon demanded.

"What do you think, numbskull? Jeremy called me at school." I retorted, glaring at him.

"Well, leave. We have this handled."
Stefan tried to convince me. I laughed, mirthless.

"Do you though? Because it kinda seems to me like Elena's going cuckoo. What's the matter? She kills one little hunter and her entire self-righteousness crumbles? I guess the pressures of being a vampire are really getting to her. Maybe someone should put her put of her misery before she does it herself."

Lunging at me, Damon was held back by his brother. I watched, entertained as he struggled to grab at me.

"Why? Why do you always have to be so heartless?! She's your sister! Your twin! You should at least care!" Damon yelled at me. I was about to reply when the thick atmosphere was cut by Stefan's phone going off.

He pulled it out of his pocket and let go of his brother, who stopped struggling.

"It's Klaus." Stefan's face was filled with worry.

"Ooh, time to face the music." I couldn't resist commenting. They both turned to look at me.

"And what do you know about anything?" Damon eyed me suspiciously.

"Only literally everything. The hunter, the cure, and the hybrid. Sounds a little like a Narnia book, doesn't it? But you better answer that first." I pointed towards the still ringing phone.

Stefan hit the accept call button.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, I can't imagine why, what with you ruining all my plans for a hybrid filled future." Klaus' voice came from the other end of the call.

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