Where am I?

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I awoke in a strange bed and in a strange room.

'What am I doing here?'

I got out of bed, I was feeling very peaceful for some reason and My chest started to throb painfully.

'My chest, why is it suddenly painful-'

I clutched my hand to my chest and closed my eyes, praying the pain would go away, and it did.

'Wait, what?'

When I opened my eyes, I noticed writings written on the walls.

'I don't recall seeing those, what's going on?'

I thought I was panicking, but I'm actually rather calm? I began to read the words painted on the walls.



What the hell..

A voice popped into my head out of nowhere.


'Do you want me look out the window?'

When I peered out the window, I noticed black figures with a floating sign right below them, with perhaps with their name written on it.

I was taken aback by what I saw and took a few steps back to see my reflection in the window; however, what I saw in 'my' reflection in the window was not me.

It was rather someone else.

The Life In a Unknown NovelWhere stories live. Discover now