Chapter 16

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Octavia's POV

So the plan seemed to have gone wrong.  Very wrong.

Some disciples believed us.

Some didn't.

And now they're all fighting with each other.

Fucking hell. They're really pissing me off.

We needed to stop them. I turned around to ask what the others were thinking but they weren't there.


I searched for them in the fighting crowds. I didn't actually expect to find them fighting as well.

Disappointed but not surprised.

Well. I still needed to do something to stop this.

Getting closer to the battle I got even madder.

This is bullshit.

I needed to do something that would gain their attention. I guess simply speaking wouldn't work.

I drew the sword I have brought from earth out of its case and stabbed my sword into the ground.

"Enough!" I yelled.

Everyone turned to me so I continued before I lost their attention.

"What the hell are we doing here? You swore an oath to fight for all mankind. Well, look around you! We are mankind! We are one crew! If I kill you, I kill myself. If we keep killing each other, there won't be anyone left to save! Our fight is over.

    I know you're afraid to walk away from everything you've spent your lives training for. I am, too. But if we fight this war, we don't deserve to survive. We fail, we die!"

And with that I walked away.

Mic drop.


Bellamy's POV

Well damn.

Looks like my little sister is a badass.

The disciples were too stunned to do or say anything after Octavia's speech.They withdrew from battle.

The others and I gathered around in the dining room. We needed to plan our next move before the disciples recovered from the shock.

"So what now?" Emori spoke up

"Now we get the others from Sanctum and we go home.We did our part and now we know that Earth is survivable again."

"What? We can't just leave the disciples like this. That's a coward move."Clarke retorted and turned to look at me when saying the last part.

Ouch. I hope no-one saw.

But then I turned to Murphy who had raised his eyebrow at me.

Damn it that's not fair.

"So what do we do then?" Raven interrupted my inner monologue.

"We have to destroy the code to the other planet."Clarke explained.

"How do we do that?" Diyoza furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

That looked like a question Clarke didn't know the answer to either because instead of answering she looked at the ground, probably trying to think of something.

Gabriel jumped in her rescue. "I think I know a way to do that." When he had everyone's attention he continued. "We could use a virus to destroy the code. It would cut that planet off the anomaly system."

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