Chapter 12

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Bellamy's POV


Chaos everywhere.

I don't know how but despite that, I still managed to see Clarke sneaking out and not because I was looking for her it just happened. It was total luck. Anyhow, I followed her when I saw that.

I did what everyone would do.


I didn't know where we were going or why.

We had left the palace and soon we arrived at a white house.

I assumed that she was looking for the notebook and my assumption was proven right when upon entering a bedroom she started searching for something and only stopped when she was holding it.

The notebook.

I knew I had to give it to Cadogan now.

I had to.


Startled she turned around pointing her gun at me.

"Bellamy? You followed me here!?"

It was a question as much as it was a statement. She knew I had but she was still surprised I did so.

"Yes I did. No matter what's happening at the palace you are going to give me that notebook so we can complete our mission."

As I said that I moved closer to her.

"One step closer and I'll shoot. There is no way I am letting Cadogan have this notebook."

"You'll shoot me? What happened to that talk about your best friend?"

"He is as good as dead to me."

"Wow, that hurt."

"You have no right to make me feel guilty about this Bellamy! What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing that concerns you Clarke. I'm as good as dead to you remember?"

"Screw you Bellamy! You betrayed us, I am not the bad guy. Not this time..."

I took one more step towards her.

"I'm not the bad guy either Clarke. I'm just doing what's right."


She was getting upset now it was obvious. Would she really shoot me though?

"Bellamy stop." Clarke said as she pointed the pistol at me.

"We don't have time for this. The radiation is getting worse and people are dying up there."

I moved a bit towards the hatch and Clarke shot at the ceiling.

"Clarke what are you doing?"

"What I have to, like always. Now, get away from the door."

"No. This isn't like shutting the Dropship door or pulling the lever in Mount Weather or the City of Light. We knew what we were stopping then. Now we know nothing."

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