First kiss

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Starfire and Raven were sitting on the couch talking. Starfire began raving all about her new boyfriend.

Beastboy was in the kitchen, secretly listening in.

"Oh and how could I forget?! Boyfriend Robin is an amazing kisser," Starfire said with her hands clasped together.

"That's WAY more information than I needed to know Starfire," Raven said as she rolled her eyes.

"You did not wish to know about Robin and I kissing?"

"Definitely not."

"But friend Raven don't you enjoy kissing too?"  Starfire asked in confusion.

"No." She responded simply.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Beastboy was intrigued. Raven had an awkward kissing story?! This was about to get juicy. Though, Beastboy had some of his own stories. I mean, he dated Terra for a few weeks! Every kiss was an awful one. Similar to kissing a wet dead fish.

"Come on friend Raven. Tell me! I wish to know!"


It was quiet enough that no one should've heard, but Beastboy had animal hearing and he heard every word.

Starfire gasped.

"Why not?"

"No one would ever want to kiss me, Star. I'm not like you. I'm not happy and pretty and kind and outgoing. I'm closed off and monotone and plain. I'm just a demon. Every guy I've ever met has either called me creepy or a witch. I've just accepted the fact that... I'll always be alone," Raven replied sadly as she pulled up her hood.

Beastboy's heart broke. All he could think about was when he called her creepy. It must've hurt her so much. She must've thought that he was just like every other guy that was mean to her.

"No wonder she doesn't like me..." he thought.

Starfire took Raven's hands in hers.

"But friend Raven... you are beautiful and amazing. Anyone would be lucky to have you! A boy is out there somewhere for you. You just need to find him... and then kiss him!"

Raven's eyes went wide.

"I...I'll pass. That sounds kinda... scary."

Beastboy couldn't believe what he was hearing. Raven was scared... of kissing?!

He thought for a moment about what it would be like to kiss her... but wait. No! She's just a friend. A teammate. That's all. Nothing more... Right? And plus, she would never kiss HIM out of all people.

"I mean I'm GREEN! Who wants their first kiss to be with a green changling?" He thought.

"There's nothing to be scared of! It's actually quite simple," Starfire said.

"That's easy for you to say. You've kissed a ton of guys," Raven replied.

"Well... yes but still. I think tha-"


"SURE! I WILL BE RIGHT THERE!" Starfire yelled back.

Then she turned to Raven.

"I am the sorry, but I must go assist friend Cyborg. I will talk to you later. Please consider my words and advice," Starfire said as she placed her hand on Raven's shoulder.

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