Chapter 2

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After the incident happened to my parents ...
I was eight years old....
Eight years have passed since I lived in a trauma.
My uncle goes abroad every summer to different countries.
When she came home, she always accused her aunt of infidelity and quarrels began.
I cried day and night.
I was afraid to stay in the house or in the yard.
I was afraid of both parents.
Uncle became an alcoholic.
We are only 8 years old ...
From that moment the ordeal began ...
Dad leaves the morning with quarrels at the bar.
He came home drunk in the evening, barely standing ...
She was screaming at my mother and us.
It hit us ...
He would take us out in the middle of the yard at night in the cold.
I was scared ...
We crowded near a small warehouse behind the house, which was shrouded in darkness.
I was crying for fear ...
I refrained from my sounds.
I could feel the hot tears running down my cheeks ...
In the evening, around one or two in the morning, we entered the house ...
The next morning I had to go to school.
I was wiping away the tears of the previous night and leaving with my brother.
I was trying to be strong ... not to cry ...
Every break I would lock myself in the school bathroom and let go of my tears ...
I can no longer bear the pain that is pressing on my soul.
And so it is repeated daily.
In the evening I was crying ... I was hit by my parents ...
I was always afraid they would both kill me ...
All this or turned into a "routine"
For eight years I lived like this.
Besides the fact that at school I was always beaten and ridiculed by colleagues and older students of the school.
All this has made me look like a cold person now.
A "heartless" person .. As some say ...
This is just a part of the past that .. marked me .. for life ..
I always feel something pressing on my soul ...
Whenever I think about it, I just can't stop my tears ...
I always wanted to be a united family, just like in those stories with a happy ending .. but in my case ..
It was not to be..
Everyone judges everyone just because they know only a certain part of them.
He shows them a cold side.
They don't want to be hurt again.
They don't want to suffer anymore.
That's why some have stopped believing in the word "love" or the word "family".
This is just a small part of .. my past ..
I always wanted someone to hold me in their arms.
To wipe away my tears ..
And tell me ...
"Stop crying, I'm here.
I will take care of you ... ... I will protect you .. "
But it wasn't to be. ...
Talk about rubbing salt in my wounds - d'oh!
"life is always unfair" ...

That's why I trust people very hard.
My bad part is that ... I forgive too fast ...
I wish I could change my past.
Because of everything I have accumulated over the years, I arrived at the hospital ...
While collecting the analyzes, I fainted ...
I was unconscious for a good few minutes.
When I recovered a little, there were four doctors in my salon.
One resurrects me ...
One wet my face with cold water.
And the other two "move" my hand and legs ...
I was in the hospital for a week ...
Sitting there, I lost three kilograms ...
I received a lot of pills.
A few days later, one night I dreamed of my father running after someone and hitting him on the head.
My aunt and brother also dreamed.
My father had gone to "work" at a house.
After a few hours, some people said that he was sick and that he spoke incoherently.
In the evening he got home ...
What that person said was true ...
He could barely speak and whatever he said he said incoherently.
Arriving at the hospital, the doctors said that he had a "stroke".
We were all worried if he would recover.
Even though he did what he did, our father still remained ...
With God's help to do well, taking the right treatment ...
He hasn't drunk since that day.
The "condition" of the family has largely improved ...
Even if there are some minor quarrels, it doesn't last more than 1 hour and they reconcile.
On the other hand, I met a girl in high school ....
She was shy .. We arrived and we knitted ..
We have the same tastes in music and much more ...
I'm glad I met her!
I consider her my older sister too! I never want to lose her!
I know I'm still upset because of my behavior .. And I'm sorry ..
I'm glad he stayed with me! I hope that in the future we will always be together.
sorry for any mistakes

From an girl an Idolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें