SMS between Reporter Joshua Wang and Ohm Saetang

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Joshua [7:15 pm]
Saetang, I have a source who is saying he has dirt on your boys.

Ohm Saetang [7:15 pm]
Don't believe everything you hear, Joshua.

Joshua [7:17 pm]
Take me seriously. This will be a problem for your boys if you don't take me seriously.

Ohm Saetang [7:18 pm]
I don't like threats.

Joshua [7:19 pm]
Stop acting all tough. You know that I am doing you a favor. Other reporters will know about this soon.

Ohm Saetang [7:22 pm]
Can you stall this for 24 hours?

Joshua [7:25 pm]
I'll try. No promises, ok? You know how my editor is.

Ohm Saetang [7:25 pm]
Thank you. I owe you one.

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