Chapter 24

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Black eyes were no match for the popularity of Saetang's two wards. Despite his initial freak out, Ohm Saetang deftly maneuvered photoshoots and schedules to make sure that no one would notice the bruises on Bright's under eye, Win's cheek and their necks. ('How do you get bruised on the neck from punches?,' Saetang wonders as their staple make up artist explained the extra touch ups that needed to be done before every shoot.)

He wanted to drag Bright and Win to a professional counsellor to get them to finally settle whatever it was that has been brewing between them for the last two years but when they last talked, the stars seemed contrite enough that he decided not to push it.

He could still feel it though, that crackle of heat every time Bright and Win were in the same room. Thankfully, they won't be anywhere near each other for at least two weeks. Saeatang pats himself on the back for his skilled planning. Perhaps the time apart will calm those two down.

Today, while Bright was doing recordings for his upcoming album, Win was at Cafè 12, filming his cameo for The Vixens' music video.

Shiela is the lead vocalist and bassist of The Vixens, the interest around her and the band was at an all time high following the party rumors. It was the wisest move to recalibrate the video to feature Win and ride the wave of all that free publicity.
If there is one thing, Saeatang is stellar at, it's surfing those waves, always riding the crests.

As lights are packed away and shots are reviewed, a handsome figure wanders into the open air. Win is in head to toe Dior today - torso enveloped in a gossamer long-sleeved button down erupting with yellow flowers paired with dark brown zip fly leather shorts and daddy sandals. The combination would look ridiculous on anyone else but Win was not anyone.

It was no wonder that The Vixens could not get enough of his company. Win was alone for barely a minute before all three women flanked him - moths to a grinning flame. They were laughing as they drank their bottles of water and sugary shakes. They positively glittered under the setting sun. A god and his muses.

Saetang gave a signal to their social media director to start taking candid photos. While he takes a few on his own phone as well.

He zooms in on Shiela and Win, cropping the other girls out of the frame.

'She's smitten,' Saetang muses, observing how Shiela's eyes glittered while Win spoke. He begins to edit it, when he accidentally opens another photo from a few months back. 'Or maybe, I am wrong and it's nothing,' Saeatang thinks. Maybe that's just how everyone looks at someone as magnetic Win. After all, it's exactly the same look Bright was giving Win in the photo that was now open on his screen. And those two didn't even like each other.

- - -

The social media director shows Win the photos and videos he has taken so far and asks Win which he wanted to post and did he need a caption or did he want to put in his own.

Win chooses a couple of photos and asks them to be sent to his phone. He can take care of the captions like he usually does. The director nods and begins sending.

"Such a superstar," Shiela teases him. "You even have a social team now."

Win flushes. "You know Saeatang," he says flimsily, not knowing how to take the compliment.

"We could just take a selfie," Shiela says, taking Win's phone from him. "Those photos," she points to the screen, "are a little too typical."

She opens the camera app and moves closer to Win. Her hair covers Win's eyes so he carefully brushes the soft locks backwards and away. Shiela presses down on the phone at just the right moments - when Win looks like he is playing with her hair, when it looks like he is tilting her face upwards, when they are facing each other while in mid-giggle.

Shiela calls over Gorya and Barbie to join in the fun. Colorful drinks raised high, cheeks all smooshed together - they all face the camera. Win laughs at the amount of tulle and hair crowding his face.

Win has to hand it to Shiela, the photos she took were far better

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Win has to hand it to Shiela, the photos she took were far better. So when she shows him that she's about to press share, he gives his consent. But Shiela doesn't share any of it just yet. In one quick motion, she stretches out her arm and takes one last photo - where she surprises Win with a quick kiss on the cheek.

Now, she presses share as Win tries to grab the phone back, their laughter filling the cafe.

- - -

Win is deciding if he should have dinner at Cafè 12 or if he should just let Saetang drive him home. He was dead tired and dead hungry and he was weighing which was more important to address.

The music video crew is almost done packing up. Win stays out of their way, choosing to remain outdoors, watching the sunset.

The Vixens had already left for their live performance at a nearby bar. Shiela and Gorya had tried to convince him to come with but he had declined. He promised to catch their next show instead.

Maybe he could ask Bright to attend with him. Like on a date. He bites his lower lip, suppressing a smile. My god he's become such a cornball.

He was lost in his thoughts, excitedly rehearsing ways he could officially ask Bright out when he hears a commotion behind him. Was someone squealing?

He turns around just in time to see Saetang jerk backwards in surprise, almost losing his footing.

"Bright?," the flustered manager asks. "What are you doing here?"

"What a coincidence," Bright replies, stoic. He adjusts his baseball cap. "I am just here to eat."

Saetang feels like he was going to have an aneurysm.

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