Chapter 23

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Who needs air? Not Bright, that's for certain. He bit Win's lower lip, teased it open, explored the warmth and the salt and the sweetness - the sheer magic that was the mouth of Win Metawin. And he did not want to stop doing so for something so trivial as breathing.

Why didn't he realize sooner just how crazy he was for this gorgeous man? Imagine just how many hours of kissing he had wasted? How many days he could have spent losing himself in this mouth?

He gently pulls Win closer, his hands moving down Win's collarbone, traveling down to his chest.

Win lets out a soft moan and decides he wants more than Bright's mouth. Wanted to know if the taste of caramel and vanilla were also on Bright's jaw, his ear , the hollow just under his adam's apple.

Closer. They needed to each other to be closer. For skin to fuse on skin. Win pushes Bright down, Win following him downwards. They were both lying down on the giant gray bean bag now, lips refusing to stop seeking for more.

It was a revelation to Win that kisses could feel this way. If the one they shared on the balcony made him feel like flying, this made him feel like he was falling. Plummeting from the heavens, stars dancing around him, clouds wrapping around his very being.

Win puts a tentative hand up and inside Bright's hoodie, feeling the hot skin above Bright's hips. Bright gasps at his touch and -

the doors of the bedroom fly open.
Saeatang barges in, a hand on his phone, eyes on his watch. Wendy Opas-iamkajorn was right behind Saetang - obviously trying to stop the man, but she was a few beats too late.

Saetang's eyes leave the watch and his eyes widen at the sight of the two celebrities on top of each other.

"What the hell is-" Before Saetang could finish his sentence, Win does the only thing he could think of - he punches Bright on the jaw.

Shocked but quick to understand what the plan was, Bright kicks Win's leg. Soon, they were rolling around the bedroom floor having a full on brawl.

Wendy and Saetang are paralyzed for a few moments but are soon pulling Bright and Win apart.

- - -

"Have the two of you lost your minds?," Saetang screams at Bright and Win.
They were both seated at the edge of Win's bed now, each holding an ice pack.

Saetang had been silently fuming since the fight ended but now he was talking a mile a minute. "How can you work with black eyes? The two of you understand how cameras work, don't you? You realize how many endorsements we can lose because of this?"

"Stop," Wendy says cooly. "You are not allowed to shout at my son. Nor at Bright."

Saetang starts to protest but thinks better of it. He lowers his voice. "We are already very late for your photoshoot and now I have to explain to the photographer that he will have to Photoshop bruises away. We will need NDAs! Our legal team will have a field day!" Saetang is monologuing again, getting himself worked up.

"Ohm," Wendy says, cutting him off. "I know you can handle this. You did say, you are the best in the business, right? Because I will only allow my son to work with the best." She looks at him, very clearly conveying both reassurance and a challenge.

"Of course Mrs. Opas-iamkajorn," Saetang says, calmly now. "Give me a moment to sort this out." Saetang begins tapping on his phone and he becomes lost in his world of negotiations and schedules.

"Thanks mom," Win whispers to Wendy.
Wendy gives him a meaningful look.
"You know I love you," she says. "But you are not a child, Win." Wendy points to the both of them. "Behave," she says, one word conveying so many things. "I would like to remind the both of you that the walls are very thin."

Bright and Win are unsure what Win's mom meant exactly. Was that a metaphor? Wendy doesn't wait for them to respond and begins to walk out of the bedroom. But before she disappears down the corridor, she looks back at the boys and says one last thing:
"Also, from now on, at least lock your door."

Win and Bright have never been redder in their lives.

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