SMS between Bright and Win

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Win [6:05 am]
I call dibs on the Philipp Plein jacket. Let's face it, it will look better on me than on you.

Bright [6:06 am]
Calling dibs through text? Let me guess, you're running late to our shoot AGAIN.

Win [6:06 am]
Excuse me. A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.

Bright [6:08 am]
Gandalf would not look good in a leather jacket.

Win [6:10 am]
Gandalf would look stunning in a leather jacket. Not as stunning as me but he'd pull it off.

Bright [6:11 am]
Did you eat confidence for breakfast?

Win [6:12 am]
Confidence goes great with jasmine tea.

Bright [6:13 am]
You really liked the tea I sent you.

Win [6:20 am]
Your MOM sent me.

Win [6:20 am]
Ok. Yes. I liked it. I am addicted.

Bright [6:22 am]
I'll send some orange blossom oolong next time.

Win [6:23 am]
The tea bribery is working.
Fine you can wear the jacket.

Bright [unsent]
The jacket is yours. It would look hotter on you.

Bright [unsent]
The jacket is yours. It would look cuter on you.

Bright [6:40 am]
The jacket is yours. I like the vest better anyway.

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