SMS between Wendy and Junta

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Mommy Junta V [7:00 am]
I am really sorry for waking you up last
night. If I didn't drive Bright over to your place, that drunk boy would have walked all the way there.

Mama Wendy [7:08 am]
Can you imagine the look on Saetang's face if you let him walk over?

Mommy Junta V [7:10 am]
Saetang would have imploded 🤣
Did my son give you any trouble?

Mama Wendy [7:13 am]
No trouble at all. Was going to have our driver help me carry Bright to the guest room.

Mama Wendy [7:14 am]
But Win saw him first. I wasn't going to interrupt that.

Mommy Junta V [7:17 am]
Do you think they finally talked?

Mama Wendy [7:18 am]
I could hear them talking. They weren't as discreet as they thought they were being. 🙄

Mommy Junta V [7:19 am]
😂 they are pretty obvious aren't they

Mama Wendy [7:21 am]
Should we start planning for a June wedding? 😁

Mommy Junta V [7:23 am]
I'll send you venues. Do you think they'd like it in a garden or a beach? 😁

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