Chapter 33

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Bum? Butt? Bumcheek? What was the name of that cake Osaka was known for? Bright is aware that Yua - his Japanese handler  - was getting quite impatient. Props to her though for hiding
her ire very well, she was still smiling at him sweetly.

You know what? He was just going to Google it.

Bright is in the middle of Osaka's bustling food market, flanked by Yua and a translator. He had a measly thirty minutes to spare before he had to rush to the airport and he realizes now that was way too little time to explore anything. But he had to at least buy this cake for Win. What kind of boyfriend comes home empty handed?

He opens his crossbody bag and starts searching for his phone. Where was it? Why did he have to stuff so much crap in here?

Yua taps him on the shoulder and shows him her phone. It was opened to a picture of decadent looking roll cake topped with crushed pistachios and caramelized brandy.

Bright's face lights up. That's the cake!

Yua smiles.  "Baumkuchen cake," she says and points down the road. "Fast?," she implores Bright.

She didn't have to ask twice, Bright sprints after Yua.

- - -

The ragdoll cat rested its furry paws on the steering wheel as if wanting to drive the car herself. Junta pats its head. "Patience little Rain," she tells the cat. "He will be here soon."

And sure enough, the double doors of the airport open and Bright walks out the door flanked by six airport security guards, a hundred screaming fans , and what seemed like a million camera flashes.

He smiles at the crowd, gives them a small bow and a wave.  And Junta swears she could hear a hundred ovaries exploding. It made her both proud and slightly uncomfortable.

"Ma!" Bright smiles the moment he's safe in the car. They hug each other. Junta and Bright have always been close - their relationship evolving to something more like friendship when he turned eighteen.

She remembers the exact moment it shifted for her - in the waiting room of a tattoo salon as she sat silently beside a woman with a septum ring and a tiger face tattoo. She remembers wringing her fingers so badly because her little boy was in the small room just behind her, getting his back inked.

She remembers him stepping out of the room and the both of them start grinning at each other like fools.

Much like they were doing right now.

"How was Europe?," she asks teasingly as she passes Rain to Bright's eager hands.

Bright's grin turns small and shy and Junta feels her heart smile. Can hearts smile? She was sure her doctors would scoff at the notion but there was no other way to describe how it made her feel to see her son - the love of her life - so happy.

"Buckle up," she tells him as she shifts the gear to drive. "There's a sandwich in the glove compartment, if you're hungry. Had to hide it there because Rain wanted to eat it."

Bright laughs. "Naughty cat," he says.

Mother and son enjoy the drive - Bright was talkative despite being bone tired from the six hour flight. They didn't mind the traffic, they were too busy eating homemade sandwiches and drive thru fries while listening to 80s music.

After awhile though, Bright can't help but comment on the route his mother was taking.

"I am pretty sure we don't live here, Ma," Bright says, scratching Rain's ears. "Do you need me to turn on the GPS?"

"Well, I know you miss me and Lord knows I miss you. But I am wise enough to know you probably miss someone else more."

Bright turns as red as the car's leather interior. Or perhaps redder.

Junta bites back a laugh. "You are extra adorable when you're in love."

"Mom!," Bright admonishes so loudly that Rain meows in protest.

Junta ruffles his hair. "Don't worry Rain and I can survive one more day without you."

Bright starts to protest but Junta is already pulling over a quiet street where a familiar white van was waiting.

"Tell Win I said hi," she says as Bright opens the door.

Bright covers his face in embarrassment.

"Behave!," she calls out to him as he transfers vehicles, taking joy at how embarrassed he looked.

'Sons', Junta mused, as she steps on the gas. 'They are so fun to tease.'

- - -

"Should I have bought two?"

Win can barely answer Bright's question as he was too busy scarfing down cake. He made some sounds but they were muffled by the globs of sugar surrounding his tongue.

Bright shakes his head reclining on the bed. He closes his eyes - enjoying the warmth of Win knees grazing his thighs and Win's addicting clean, leafy, just showered scent. He can feel every muscle in his body relax, he is finally home.

Win presses his sticky lips on Bright's cheek. "Tell me about Osaka," he says.

Bright stifles a yawn, eyes still closed. "I was mostly in a hotel and on stage."

He could hear the pout in Win's response. "You don't even have one story? About Japan? The coolest country on earth?"

Bright rolls his eyes. Win should be thankful he was so goddamned into him. He reaches for his crossbody bag and starts looking for his phone so he could show Win the few photos he was able to take. Where is that phone? It has to be in his bag somewhere. Impatience getting the better of him, he empties the contents on the bed. He flips through each item twice.

All the peace drains away from Bright's body. Dread pumps through his veins.

Win stops chewing. "What's wrong?"

Bright doesn't answer, panic squeezing his throat shut.

He lost his phone.

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