Chapter 49

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Gulf pov

It's a shame if I say that I'm jealous of my own children but yes I really feel jealous. They are not giving space for me to hug my wife, rest with him or not even talk with my wife. They both are clingy with him and Alex is more clingy, Nat comes to me if she is full and sleepy but Alex never comes near me or anyone, he just needs Mew all the time.

But if it comes to happiness, I'm floating above the moon. I'm really happy to see my children with their mother smiling small and being healthy. I was shocked at first knowing that Mew can feed breast milk. The doctor said it's very good to keep my children healthy but my children are so greedy about it. After one finishes Mew gets tired and after the second one has to eat and sleep.

I was very eager to taste it at least once but I think it's not gonna happen. It's just enough for my babies.

Mew was discharged 5 days after his delivery. He is here in my apartment with my kids, my in-laws and my parents.

Mae and Mom were helping us how to handle our babies, Mew just eats, feeds and sleeps. That was his routine 5 days after he came back home but he is active and brisk now. He started to cook, as I missed his food.

"Mew! How many times to say baby, don't cook for now. Get stable and you can cook" Mae said, seeing Mew cooking in the kitchen.

"Mae it's okay naa, someone missed my cooking so much and asked for crispy pork with basil" that's it I'm dead now. I started to slip out of the kitchen but Mae caught me.

"Don't you know he is feeding hmm, he needs energy to feed the babies and they get hungry easily and you are asking him to cook huh" my mom roared.

"I missed his food, I just asked him once he agreed I didn't force him Mae" I said defending myself.

"Do you think he can oppose your wish, you idiot son of mine? Your happiness is his happiness so he will agree with anything which makes you happy" my mom said and I looked in disbelief. I saw Mew who was looking shy cooking my favourite dish.

"Ohh, I will help him cook then" I said, pushing my mom out of the kitchen and asking her to help Mom to take care of their grandchildren.

"Baby!" Mew flinched a little hearing my voice near his ear.

"Yes Gulf" he asked, I hugged him from behind.

"Is it true? Will you do anything for my happiness?" I asked.

"No, not at all" he said, making my pout.

"Don't lie, I saw your face when Mae told it" I said confidently.

"You know right then why are you asking?" he asked, making me pout more.

"Okay don't pout, now what do you want, cup cake, strawberry milkshake, chocolate milk, orange juice?" He counted all my favourites. But I was thinking something more tasty than anything.

"I don't need anything made by you but something from you, can I have it baby" I said slowly moving my hands upwards from his navel.

"What are you talking about?" He looked funny like a confused puppy. I kissed his nape and slightly cupped his breast that was a little swollen due to producing milk, he is more sensitive there.

"You got it baby" I asked, seeing his flourished face I can say that he understood me.

"It's only for babies Gulf, you cannot have it" he said.

"I'm their father naa, just little, I'm curious about it please baby" I asked him, I really wanted to know how it comes out.

"No" he pushed my hands away from his chest.

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