Chapter 26

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Tae pov

After I left Tha alone at his apartment.

"Is Tha really carrying my baby, but I love my Mew alot but why did I say that I love him too?" I was damn confused.

"I can't leave Mew, I need Tha he is alone and I love my baby now but STILL I LOVE MEW" I shouted when I was inside my car.

As soon as I reached the office, I called Tha. He answered within two rings.

"I have reached the office, Tha"

"Thankyou for informing Tae"

"You are safe right?" I don't know why but I was so worried about him.

"I'm in my apartment and I didn't go anywhere so of course I'm safe" he said and I heard him giggling.

"Okay, I will pick you up tomorrow morning, stay safe byee" I said.

"Byee" he ended the call.

After the call, I made my way straight to Sing's cabin.

"Excuse me!" I knocked on the door.

I was waiting for almost 10 minutes. There was no hint for him to open the door.

"Come in P'Tae" Krist opened the door, he was flushed red and his hickies on his neck were so visible. I realised what my friend was doing. I facepalmed.

"What my dear friend, have you had your meals already?" I asked him.

"Shut up" he said. While Krist was all confused.

"What meals?" Krist asked, he was too innocent to handle.

"Sing kissed me on my cheeks this morning for accepting to work with Tha I asked him to get his boyfriend to kiss, he said that he will have his meals later and I could see that he had his meals already" I chuckled.

"Shameless Singto, I hate you" Krist shouted but also blushed more.

"Don't shout baby then you will not have your voice to moan my name later at home" Sing said teasing Krist.

"Just shut up" Krist hit his shoulder but I can say that didn't affect Sing even a little. They were talking as if I'm invisible.

"Hoi! Hoi! Hoi! I'm still here just continue your business later at home" I said.

"Okay I will" Sing said shamelessly.

I saw Krist was about to argue again. But I interrupted.

"Okay, I need a help from you guys"

"What help P'Tae?" Krist asked.

"Nong I want to transfer to another country for a year with Tha, I think it's not possible for us to work together in this environment" I said without telling the exact problem I have.

"Why what's wrong here?" Sing asked.

"See Sing I want to go somewhere out of here so that we can work together and cooperate with each other more than we do now, it's my request. The final decision is yours,because you are the boss" I said calmly.

"Why don't you both go to China, it will help the project that you are doing now and help for your future projects too" thankgod he accepted my request.

"Fine with me, I will ask Tha and confirm it"

"What about Mew, are you going to take him with you?" Why the hell he is worried about Mew, I got jealous instantly.

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