Chapter 18: Pin Drop

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Viper: What do you mean exactly?

Vega: Well in theory there is a possibility that your child could inherit some form of your power. Not a full replica mind you, but maybe a weaker version of it? It's complete speculation on my part.

Loona: My child will have Viper's powers?!

Loona was very shocked that her child could have Viper's powers, causing her to be very worried.

Vega: Again, in theory. It shouldn't hurt anything, considering the child wouldn't be able to manifest it until it was of an age where it could at least will it to happen. Unfortunately when I was born 300 odd years ago, when I first cried, the entire room looked like a tornado hit it. That however is comparing the child of Lucifer, to a standard demon, so not a fair comparison in any stretch.

Loona: I see well thanks for that information but after having this talk I need something sweet in me. Honey, I am going to get some soda so talk with Vega here while I come back.

Viper: Alright, don't strain yourself too much!

Loona then gets up and walks past Vega and heads to the kitchen leaving Vega and Viper alone.

Vega: Now that she is gone it's time we had a chat, Orochi.

Viper: About what exactly?

Vega: About the whole Tai situation. You see Charlie asked me to at least talk to you about it. So, are you angry with me?

Viper: No....Tai was my friend, but he had it coming. At least you made it quick and mostly painless.

Vega: Indeed I could have done worse but after you have been so kind to my sister I gave him a quick death for it.

Viper: You know, I can never get a read on you. It's one of the things that's always bothered me about you. You've always lived life at your own tempo, but you still find ways to surprise me.

Vega: Viper, chaos bends to my will, my very existence is chaos! To get a read on chaos is to take away said chaos, I don't do it to torment you. It is simply in my nature. Now how is that poor woman doing? Felicia, I believe her name was?

Viper: She doesn't want me anywhere near her or Tavian. Can't say I blame her.

Vega: Apologies, it appears I've caused you a great deal of trouble. Unfortunately, she should realize that her husband was a lost cause. Marching straight towards his death at an alarming rate.

Viper: There's more to this conversation isn't there? What exactly do you want, Vega? You refuse to take the throne, you support your sister despite thinking her dream is ridiculous, and now you're curious about my kid. What is your end goal exactly?

Vega smiled as the paint on the wall started to chip and peel.

Vega: Orochi, I simply wish for chaos and entertainment. Do you know how boring being king would be? Such a stuffy position, I simply wish to find my own entertainment. As far as my darling little sister, I do not believe in her dream. I believe in supporting her, something our father fails to do.

Viper: That's the one thing I can read about you, you'll do anything for Charlie.

Vega: My darling little sister deserves that much. It's ironic really, father hates grandfather with all of his being, yet he doesn't realize how similar he is to him sometimes. Though he would deny it, my father is still his father's son and that can be seen, if only a little.

Viper: Well you're certainly his child and so is Charlie, after all you both rebelled against him in your own ways.

Vega: Yes, well I'll have to confront him sooner or later. The same goes for Drakaina, though I dread both encounters. Take care of your lady Orochi. I dare say you won't find many better than her, the same can be said about your coworkers.

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