"Uncle, aunty," Chan spoke. "I'm Chan. Now Y/n is my responsibility. You can rest in peace now. I promise I will give every happiness your daughter deserves. Thanks for giving birth to such a great person like Y/n. She changed my life, I can't be more thankful." he said and Y/n hugged him as she cried on his shoulder.

They spent half an hour or one there. They finally got up to leave. Y/n gulped. She missed them a lot. Chan hugged her.

"You have me Y/n. Don't cry. Your parents will hate me if you cry in front of me." his words made Y/n laugh. He whipped her tears and kissed her cheeks. "Good girl." he said and they finally bid their goodbye to Y/n's parents graves.

The next place they visited was busy streets in the city. It was evening and the weather was chilly. Chan did carry jackets in the car. Chan's eyes landed on a store. He smiled and took hold of her hand as he practically ran towards it.

"Chan wh-" Y/n forget her words when she saw the store. Her eyes widened.

"My girl loves merch so why not? Let's go" he said and he dragged her in a kpop merch store. "Take whatever you want." he said. Y/n was transfixed on her position just Chan dragging her here and there.

"Chris!!" she jumped and hugged him. He laughed at her actions. Even if Chan was asking to get whatever she wants, she didn't buy more than just a CD and few stickers to put it on her Got7 lightstick. Even though Chan insisted, it was awkward for her to use his money.

People on the streets recognized Chan but this time not as an addict but as a successful person. Y/n was proud and Chan was happy that people finally aren't throwing disgusting looks at him. They went to the arcade near by. They played many games. Chan sulked when he lost to Y/n in a claw machine game. She was able to get a puppy plushie.

"Don't sulk." Y/n said.

"I wanted to get it for you." he pouted.

"Ugh whiny brat." she said and Chan smiled.

"I love when you call me that."

"You're impossible." she said. Once they exited the arcade, Y/n spoke.

"It's almost night now, so.."

"One last place." Chan said getting nervous. Y/n noticed that again. She hummed and they walked to his car. Once Chan started driving, Y/n hugged her knees and admired the scenery outside. Y/n saw a familiar place. She sat up properly and stared outside. The beach.


"I got to know that you love going to a beach so..yeah."

"My day can't get more better." she said with smile.

Chan parked the car. He took out two pair of sandals for them. He gave one to Y/n. Without wasting any time Y/n rushed near the shore. Chan couldn't help but smile at the girl. He followed behind her.

He watched the girl drenching her feet and in the water getting all excited. She found few shells and then stood still in her place with eyes close. Chan walked towards her. The moonlight falling on her face. The night breeze hitting their faces, Y/n's nose and cheeks turned rosy. Chan held her hand as she turned to look at him.

"Thank you for taking me here and obviously for this special day."

"I'm relived that you like it." he said. Silence fell over. Chan gulped nervously. Y/n admired his features. He was continuously biting his lip which cause it to swell. Y/n took her hand from Chan's and cupped his cheeks with her hand. Chan placed his hands on her waist.

"Why are you so nervous? Don't tell me you want to break up." she joked.

"What?! No!" he shrieked. Y/n laughed. She creased his cheeks and finally pecked his lips.

"You lips are swollen, you are biting them since morning. What's wrong Chris?"

"I- I have to tell you something." he said and Y/n hummed placing her hands on his shoulders to easy the boys mind. "I mean mom dad said that okay? I'm not in a hurry, I mean I would love to but if you won't like the idea then we can tell them..I need to take your decision in consideration right? So I'm doing that. Y-"

"Chan Chan I'm not understanding anything. Calm down first." she said. Chan looked away sighing. She shook her head and cupped his face again. She leaned in and kissed him softly. Chan melted in the kiss as all the worry was flushed off his mind. They pulled out and a wave of confidence struck him.

"Y/n.." he said and held her hands. "I love you a lot. Our love is very young but being with you feels like I'm with you since a long time. I-I never imagined I will fall for you, but it looks like I'm head over heals. Y/n I want to be with your forever. I don't want an end to us. As I always say you changed my life...Y/n, will you be a part of it? My life I mean."

"Chan.." she said in disbelief. Her heart beating crazily in her chest.

"We know each other for just a month or two, I know that. Maybe in the future, I won't be able to give you much time because of my work, but I want our love to work out anyhow. I can't and won't let you leave in the middle of the journey. Y/n...will you marry me?" he asked.

Y/n shed few tears at the spot. Never in her life she imagined a moment like this will ever happen. That too this fast. The answer was clear. Chan's mind went blank when she nodded. He stood transfixed in his place. Y/n hugged him and brought back to the reality.

"I would love to Chan. I didn't imagine this will happen this soon. Thank you for asking that. Chan..I also want to spend the rest of my life with you." she said.

Chan squeaked and hugged tightly. He picked her up and jumped in joy. Once he let go of her, he held his hands on either side of his head. He looked away from Y/n, the smile not leaving his face. She chuckled and wiped the tears off her face. He looked back at her and cupped her cheeks.

"I'm not dreaming right? You said you will." he said and Y/n nodded. Chan smiled and hugged her. They spent few seconds in the hug before Chan parted. He stuffed his hand in his pocket and took out a box. Y/n widened her eyes. Chan opened the box to reveal a necklace with a pendant of a ring in it. The jewellery shined under the moonlight.


"Sorry I couldn't get a ring, but let's keep the ring for wedding." he chuckled.

"And what if I had said no?" she joked.

"Then too, I would have married you" he said making Y/n blush.

"It's pretty." she said glancing at the necklace. Chan turned her around and took hold of the necklace. He wore it around Y/n's neck. She blushed intensely. Chan turned her to face him. He then took out another box. It had the similar necklace. Y/n helped him wear that.

Chan held Y/n's waist and kissed her lips softly. She responded and clutched her hair gently. Chan pulled her close and tilted his face. Their lips moved in a perfect rhythm. He deepened the kiss by entering his tongue in Y/n's mouth. Y/n whimpered and sucked on his tongue. Chan sighed. Y/n's touch was making him go crazy. After few seconds, they pulled away. The kiss was indeed passionate and full of love for each other.

"I promise to keep loving you till the end."

"I promise that too Chan."


I wasn't able to update yesterday due to some personal reasons.
Uh..Next chapter will be the last chapter though.

Thank you for reading ❤️

-Obsessed || Bang Chan-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora