You need better aim, good sir. 

Now she was the one to freeze out of shock. She peered up at him through her eyelashes, he pressed his mouth into a firm line, a small smile tugged at her lips. She blushed furiously knowing what he was trying to do. She rested her head on his chest again.  She quickly changed the subject to take the weight off his shoulders. 

"Pansy and Blaise invited me to go ice skating tomorrow, do you want to come? I mean that is if you're not tired of me."

"I don't know how to ice skate." he shrugged. As much as he wanted to go he didn't want to make a fool out of himself like he always did around her.

"I don't know how to either. I just thought it would be fun to learn, you don't have to come if you don't want to."

"I guess I will."

"You seem unsure. I don't want to force you into it." she said, lifting her head off of his chest.

"No, you're not forcing me, not at all. But I will go."

Faris nodded, pulling away from the hug, "Good night"

"Good night," he smiled. She kissed his cheekbone and pranced into the carriage leaving Draco extremely flustered. He felt the warm spot on his cheek where her lips once were. He felt as if his cheek was now glowing like an angel had dusted his skin with warm sun rays.


    When Draco got back to the dorm room he closed the curtains around his four-poster bed, pulling the sheets over his long legs.

    "Lumos."He whispered as a small bud of light formed on the tip of his wand. He opened the letter scanning over it with his smile growing wider.


    I am so happy you asked me to the Ball. I had the best time with you. You have such a fun personality, I love being around you. I've enjoyed every minute of being with you. And I know this sounds really cheesy, but it's all true. I'm not excited to leave Hogwarts. I've only been here for a few months but I've grown so connected to it. And I especially don't want to leave my best friends. You have no idea how many times I've thought about transferring to Hogwarts.

    I hope you enjoy the pictures. I'm very happy we were able to just sit and talk about anything and everything. I can't wait to look at the pictures of the places you've traveled to. It's a good way to get to know someone, isn't it? I take horrible pictures by the way so don't mind the mess. The letter was kinda last minute, so I apologize.  Be aware that there actually are some pictures of us in there, I'm not trying to freak you out or anything.

    I feel like I should've given you more than just the agreed stack of photos and a letter but I've never been the best when it comes to buying people presents.


    He smiled at the letter then untied the stack of photos. On the back of the first photo, she had scribbled Bulgaria 1989

    The picture showed a view of Faris and her dad sitting in the Theatre of Philippopolis in Plovdiv. The nine-year-old Faris had a big grin spread across her face as she clutched onto her dad's arm. Of course the photos they shared with each other were moving photographs.  Faris was kicking her feet against her stone seat, her dad was flipping through a pamphlet as he blindly reached for Faris pulling her onto his lap.

    The next photo showed Faris sitting on her dad's shoulders in the Devetashka Cave. She was more focused on the giant holes on the roof of the cave than her mum taking the picture.

    1993, spring collection Chanel, France

    This being one of the most recent pictures in the stack she looked the same. The moving picture showed Faris and her mum sitting in the front row by the runway both dressed in clothing from Chanel to represent. In the short repetitive time, Bouilloire popped into the photo puckering his lips and crossing his eyes.

    The next few photos were of Faris in Switzerland, Norway, Estonia, and Greece. All of them being with her mum and dad.

    Then he came to a section of photos with a man he knew to not be her father. They were standing together in Iceland. Faris was probably now around four or five.

    Of course, that was when Draco realized that it was her blood father. She looked more like her mum than her dad, of course, it did seem like she had the same curly hair as her blood father.

    Almost finished with his stack of photos he came to the pictures Faris had warned him about. He thought she was joking when she said there were pictures of them but indeed there were quite a few.

    The first one was of all of them in the Hogwarts kitchens -Pansy had taken that one- none of them paying attention to the camera.

    The next photo was of just Draco and Faris smiling, Pansy had also taken that photo.

    Which came as a shock to Draco knowing that she was still rather fond of him.

    When he finished going through the entire stack he slipped them into a drawer on his nightstand, he pulled the covers over himself and fell asleep, a ghost of a smile resting on his lips.


    Draco had been to many places Faris had not expected from a guy like him. She was thoroughly surprised.

    The photos were in Japan, Spain, Italy, Romania, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, and Greece.
    Most of them were stiff family photos with young Draco standing in the center of the photo with his parents at his sides gripping his shoulders in a tight grip.

    But there were photos where Draco had the biggest grin spread across his face or his mother was laughing. Even his father looked happy in some of them.  From the way, Draco talked about his father it seemed like it would be painful for his father to smile, let alone laugh.

    A lot of them were Narcissa holding Draco in her arms, standing in front of a tourist attraction.

    Most of the photos were taken in Italy, apparently, it had been one of his favorite trips.

    Colosseum, Italy. Summer of 1993.

    Narcissa was standing next to the thirteen-year-old Draco, he clutched tightly onto her hand. Then the frame moved and he was mumbling something to her making her laugh with glittering eyes.

    Romania, 1987. Swedish Short Snout.

    Draco was now holding a baby Swedish Short Snout, his hands cupped together as he held back his fear. His hands were trembling and he was holding the baby dragon a good distance away from his face.

    Faris smiled after viewing all the pictures she then grabbed the small box he had also given to her. She tugged off the black lid and a thick folded paper fell out. She unfolded it to see his messy handwriting.


I'm so eternally grateful I met you. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, you're so sweet and gentle. I'm dreading the day you have to leave. Hogwarts is so bland without you. Believe me, I have a lot more to write to you, but then this single piece of parchment would be turned into a novel. Maybe even a series. You looked stunning at the Yule Ball. I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I loved dancing with you, talking to you, and listening to your laugh.

I'd like to laugh with you for the rest of my life.

With love, Draco

P.S I hope you enjoy the necklace. I saw it in a window in Hogsmeade and it reminded me of your Beauxbaton entrance. By the way, it was bloody brilliant to watch the entrance. Blaise still seems to be amazed by the butterflies.

She looked back into the box to find a gold necklace with five small butterflies hooked onto it in a neat row. She couldn't contain her smile, as she clasped the necklace around her neck the five golden butterflies tickling her collar bone.

Little Talks - A Draco Malfoy Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz