Bookstore pt. 2

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He couldn't lie; George did look good. Despite the clothes being casual- a blue t shirt, white undershirt, jeans- he somehow managed to make it look like some sort of designer outfit. Maybe that was just the way Clay thought, though.

"H-hey," said the brunette nervously, fiddling with his glasses. Clay shoved his phone in his pocket and gave a friendly smile. George seemed to relax. A little.

"Hi!" Clay said cheerfully, pulling George by his wrist through the restaurant door. "In. I'm hungry."

"Not even a welcome for your prince," George said, rolling his eyes but still cracking a smile.

"Ah, should I have bowed, your majesty?" He tapped Georges head, sending shivers down the shorters spine. "I'm deeply sorry, my king."

"And you should be, knight," George shot back, laughing as Clay held his car keys out like a sword. The server at the podium thing (i don't know how to describe it its like the place where people who lead you to your chairs go stand idk) and smiled at their antics.

"Welcome to Eternity!" she said happily, pulling two adult menus out from under the podium thing (again, no clue what its called.) "Table for two, or are there more coming."

Clay couldn't really help pausing for a moment at the words 'table for two'. Sounded like a couple thing.

He liked it.

"Table for two, please," said George, raising an eyebrow at his dates silence.

"Alright!" the server chirped, and lead them to a small table in the back, near the window and slightly sheltered from the rest of the restaurant by a large plant. She gave Clay a wink, motioning towards George. Clay turned bright pink, and sat down.

"Bad tells me they have good salads," George said, scanning the menu. He glanced up at the blond, who seemed to be reading the menu like it was a book. "What? Reading the carbs listed?"

"You're one to talk, Mr. I-want-a-harcover," Clay said, giving a wheeze of a laugh as George gave another huff. He imitated the huff, and George glared at him, making an attempt to wheeze but ending up sounding like he was choking. They both cracked up.

"Honestly, I like salmon more than salads George said, laying his menu down and pointing at the 'Atlantic Salmon'. "I thought salmon lived in rivers? Like that video of a salmon flopping up a stairway or something."

"That's your only knowledge of salmon? Flopping up stairs?" Clay wheezed, and George rolled his eyes.

"What? Have you memorized the salmon wikipedia page?" George teased, making Clay roll his eyes.

"Well, I know they have more of a purpose in life to flop up stairs-"

"I wasn't saying that the salmon didn't have a purpose!" George said, in mock hurt tone. "I mean, they can go on and defeat world hunger, its just-"

"Wait, so salmon can defeat world hunger? Why wern't we told this?" Clay said, leaning back in his chair as the two cracked up again. (sorry they've been discussing salmon im hungry)

They lapsed into a comfortable silence after they ordered, sometimes pointing out other couples or groups that walked in, but mainly just taking in the peacefulness of the situation.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" George said, bursting the little bubble of silence.

"You just did, but sure. Ask another."

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