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hello! this is a short lil filler chapter since i feel like uploading today :]

also yes ik george technically would have seen snow before but shut up this is cute okay >:

Georges eyes fluttered open as he felt the boy beside him move ever so slightly. He had always been a light sleeper; perhaps because of his frequent nightmares, or just because he was used to peace and quiet and now lived with the worlds loudest snorer.

He glanced over at the black analog clock, obnoxiously lime green numbers reading 10:31. He yawned, and glanced at the blond sleeping beside him. Or, he thought he was sleeping. Instead, soft green eyes (although they looked yellow to him) stared back, smiling. George was confused, at least until Clay pointed at the window. Small, white fluff was falling down from the sky. George scrambled over his boyfriend, who laughed, and pressed his nose against the cold window. The ground was blanketed in snow, and more was still falling. He couldn't even see the grass. His eyes widened; he had never seen snow before, unless you count on weather channels from other states.

A pair of hands slipped gently around his waist, and he leaned into the contact. Clay gave a smile behind him, looking at the window. He took a hand off of George and used his finger to draw a signature 'Dream' smile, and then put his hand back around George. The brunette shivered at his cold, slightly wet fingers.

Clay shifted, pulled both hands off of George and to the dresser. "You want to go for a walk?" he questioned, running a brush through his hair as George stared at the snow. The shorter of the two turned, and smiled.

"Of course!" George chirped, walking over to the closet and pulling out jeans and a thin sweater. Then, he paused. "What the heck do I wear?"

Clay grinned at him, liking his confusion. "Just put that on, and I'll grab some jackets and gloves. Maybe try and find a thick sweatshirt, it looks cold. Ooh, and we can wear our beanies with the logos on them..." He slipped out the door, letting George change and going to change himself.

George changed quickly, and then went digging around to try and find a thick sweatshirt. The only one he had (which happened to be his own merch) was in the washing machine because he had spilled coke over it when Sapnap screamed at him with a voice changer. That was an interesting stream.

He eventually ended up taking one of Clays hoodies, which was huge on him, but he made it work. He eyed himself in the mirror, taking in how you could only see his fingertips. He heard a chuckle behind him, and turned to see Clay eyeing the sweatshirt. "Comfy?"

George flushed red. "I couldn't find any of mine." Clay gave a small wheeze as George brushed past him, and made a beeline for the coats and gloves that had been laid out on the counter. He quickly grabbed a blue jacket and black gloves, and stole the Dream beanie with little Christmas lights wrapped around the blob of a character. He stuck his tongue out as Clay raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not complaining," the younger said, shoving on a jacket and gloves. He shoved Georges beanie on his head, making sure the '404' was on the front. "It looks good on you."

George turned an even deeper shade of red, now looking slightly like a radish. "Oh, shut up." Clay wheezed, and slipped his gloved hand into George's. Then, he opened the door outside.

The white had blanketed the brown earth, covering up the patches of unevenly cut grass from failed attempts to mow the lawn in the previous summer. The small tree in the front yard was balancing the bright snow. Gently, George took a step forward in his boots, still holding Clay's hand. The snow gave a satisfying crunch, and he continued walking. A small wow escaped his lips as the snow caught on his eyelashes and reddening cheeks, melting as it touched his warm skin. He looked up at Clay, who was smiling down at him. The blond knelt down, and scooped a handful of snow and packed it into a ball. George gave a confused look, but as Clay drew back his arm, his eyes widened with recognition. The snowball hit his shoulder, some of the snow hitting him in the face. Face red, he shot a glare at his cackling boyfriend.

"That wasn't funny!" he barked, kneeling down as Clay kept laughing, not noticing until the snowball slammed into his neck, dripping under his shirt.

"George!" he squealed, "I hit your coat, not your neck!" George just stuck his tongue out. Clay raised an eyebrow, and before George even had time to react, he tackled the brunette and landed them both in the snow, laughing.

Blond strands of hair fell from Clay's beanie, tickling George's face as coldness seeped into his neck. Chuckling lightly, Clay stood, offering his hand to George. The brunette took it, but then swung Clay around and made him fall into the snow yet again. Clay gave a muffled "George!" as the said male darted away, disappearing as sheets of snow fell down from the sky. Clay, now standing, sighed and attempted to shake the snow out of his hood. He eyed the area around him, hoping to spot his boyfriend but only seeing footprints left in the snow.

He followed the footsteps until he found George in the side yard, sticking his tongue out and trying to catch the falling snowflakes. Clay laughed as the older boy got one in his eye, walking over to him and gently taking his hand.

George eyed him suspiciously. "What?"

"Nothing," Clay murmured, kissing George gently on the cheek. George smiled at him, gently brushing a snowflake of his partners nose.

"I think I like the snow."

lil comfort fic that i wrote back in like december when i was incredibly stressed about upcoming shit that i am enjoying right now

this is a reupload from ao3, i might try and actually write some new ones soon but i wanna buy a chromebook cause on a huge computer that my parents also use... haha no

anyways, have an awesome day/night! :]

also watch the new dream video >:)

dsmp oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें