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hi hi

this is pretty short, but i've been having very little motivation so yeahhh


Fingertips came in contact with the fake-ivory piano keys. Music filled the empty classroom, sounds flowing like water out the cracks in the doors, beautiful noise seeping through the hallways. A string of notes in no true order, simply falling together. The last puzzle piece slipped within the song, and the final key was pressed down and lifted back up.

Pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, George pulled a mechanical pencil from his pocket and quickly started writing the notes down, occasionally playing parts of the made-up song again so he could remember.


If only he could remember everything, remember the way the rain fell that one Sunday morning, or the particular smell of a new notebook, maybe his fingertips could come up with something that was even more beautiful than what he had just made. He jotted down the last couple notes and began playing the song again. The music seemed to just flow from him, slipping through the cracks in the keys and into the piano itself.

"Wow." A deepish voice had spoken behind him, and he gave a small jump. Turning slowly from the piano's bench, he saw the tall blond leaning in the doorframe, a soft look on his face. Freckles dotted his cheeks, and his eyes were greener than the entire season of spring. George turned a pale pink when he glanced at the piano and then back at the brunette. "That was amazing. Was that your own?"

George gave a small nod. "Y-yeah. I just made it up on the spot." His fingers danced along the keys, creating a small tune. "That's how I make music, I guess. I just... start playing." The boy gave a small nod. He looked older than George, a few inches taller, and his eyes looked like they had seen so much more. He seemed to be waiting for George to elaborate. "It's like, once you start, you can't stop. It all just flows out until you hit the last key." His finger hit one of the white keys a few times.

"Huh. I just play what's put before me." The boy moved into the room more, a sort of open look on his face. "Could you show me how to write music?"

George cocked his head slightly. "It's different than that. Just sit down and fiddle around with it. Maybe you'll find a tune. You can't really teach someone to write music- it has to come from you for it you to make it yours."

To his surprise, the blond sat down on the bench next to him, not more than a few inches apart. Again to George's surprise, his fingers traveled over the keys but simply sat there, as though resting. "I can't- it's just..." He trailed off, fingers pressing down on a few keys at random. He took a deep breath. "I dunno. It's like it's there, it just doesn't want to come out." (not his gayness, just the music)

"I get that." George drummed his fingers on top of the keys. "You play saxophone, right?" He pointed to the saxophone case that the boy had placed on the floor before sitting beside George.

The boy nodded. "Yeah, I do. Why?"

"Well, music isn't just the piano. You could try writing something on that." The blond shrugged, and opened his case. He stuck a small piece of wood in his mouth- a reed. He began assembling the instrument as George played a song he hadn't written, but one he just liked. 'Roadtrip'. "Now that interstate is paved with memories," he hummed under his breath, earning a raised eyebrow from the blond.

"My name is Clay, by the way," he added, taking out his reed so he could put it into his instrument. "What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm-" He was interrupted as Clay let out a loud noise, a note George didn't recognize. He had never played anything other than piano. "I'm George, jesus christ!"

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