Part 56

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*i walked back out, i gave the cup to the doctor then i looked at kobe, his hand was shaking and he was staring.

Y/N:bae. Kobe:..... Y/N:kobe!

*i went over to him then the doctor left the room, i looked at kobe again, i saw lip stick on his lips.

Y/N:wow kobe, i go in the bathroom for 2 mins and you kiss her. Kobe:i didn't, she got on top of me and kissed me i swear to god, bae i wouldn't do that, she kissed me, i called you, i tried to get up and everything she wouldn't let me and you know i don't put my hands on girls, i didn't wanna push her, but i swear i tried to get away, i called for you but you didn't answer...

*he looked me dead in my, he lowkey looked scared and tramatized, his hands were shaking.

Y/N:are you ok? Kobe:no I wanna leave, she literally just tried to rape me... Y/N:i wanna get the results first then we can leave.

*he nodded then a different doctor came in.

Doctor:i am so sorry for what just happened, i guess she doesn't know there is a camera in here.

*kobe nodded, i sat next to him and hugged him, i wiped his tear that slipped out of his eye.

Y/N:its ok, i love you. Kobe:i love you to... and i swear i'm not che- y/n:shh, it's fine.

*he nodded.

Doctor:aww so sweet.

*i smiled then went back to the bed, i layed down.

Doctor:ok um, did she take a sample? Y/N:yea then she left. Doctor:ok describe the pain. Y/N: it feels like period cramps but way worse, and i always have to pee. Doctor:your probably pregnant, how often do you go to the bathroom. Y/N:like atleast every 30 mins or so, depends, and i have headaches. Doctor:sence she took you pee sample we are gonna have to do a ultrasound. Y/N:k, i have a dress on.  Doctor:girl, i'm a girl, he has seen it all you all good.

*kobe laughed then bit his lip and looked at me, then i looked at him and rolled my eyes.

Kobe:what i do. Y/N:you know what you did.

*the doctor laughed, lifted my shirt then i saw Kobe instantly get hard.

Kobe:can i use that bathroom? Doctor:go ahead.

*he went in the bathroom, i laughed.

Doctor:boys these days. Y/N:right.

*we laughed.

doctor:how old are you? Y/N:um 16. Doctor:your so pretty. Y/N:thankyou.

*i heard kobe moan, me and the doctor looked at eachother then at the door then laughed, she got the jel that goes on my stomach, she rubbed it on then she started doing yhe ultrasound.

Doctor:if you are pregnant what would you do? Y/N:scared, happy to be a mom, scared. Doctor:your pregnant. Y/N:for real?! can we trick him and say we having twins. Doctor:yea, your actually a month pregnant. y/N:huh?

*Kobe came out the bathroom.

Doctor: congratulations, you guys are having twins. Kobe:your fuckin lying.

*i tried not to laugh.

Kobe:bruh, see the world got beef wit me, ion know what the fuck i did ethir.

*i ended up laughing.

Kobe:whats so funny. doctor:your not having twins, but she is a month pregnant. Kobe: are you keeping the baby? Doctor:she has to, she is to far into the pregnancy. Kobe:k. Y/N:i'm sorry i didn't know. Kobe: it's fine, i'm just not mentally stable, i'll still try to help. Y/N:k, i'm sorry. Kobe: it's not your fault mamas. Doctor: don't worry you won't regret having a baby. Kobe:you a mom? Doctor:yup, i got pregnant 3 years ago when i was 17, i thought about getting an abortion, but my boyfriend at the time left me, so i decided to keep the baby cause he was all i had, I though i would regret it but i didn't, i love him, he is so sweet and cute, kids are probably a peice of your happiness. Kobe:well, i guess i'ma dad.

*i smiled then my smile fadded.

Kobe: what's wrong? Y/N:i'm not telling my mom or dad or anyone this is between us to, got it. Kobe:yes ma'am.

*i laughed, she wiped the stuff off my stomach, i got up and pulled my dress down, i saw Kobe staring at me.

Doctor:no sexual things. Kobe:mtch, bruh, she was finna gimme some cause i won my game bruh.

*he started punching the air.

Y/N:boy i swear if you hit me i'ma knock you out.

*he looked at me then playfully hit me, i looked at him and nodded.

Kobe:nooo i'm sorry.

*he hugged me from behind and rubbed my stomach.

Doctor:and your not ready? Y/N:right. Kobe:lemme lone, can we get baby clothes. Y/N:boy- Kobe: what i have abby fever now, i thought only girls could get that. Y/N:nope, or mabey you may be a girl on the inside. Kobe:wait so i have titties?!

*i looked at him.

Y/N: why me.

*the doctor laugehd then we left, we went back to my house, when we walked in i went straight to vallyk's room, he was getting dressed.

vallyk:YO! Y/N:my bad.

*i turned around, he put a towel on then told me to turn back then Kobe walked in.

Kobe:glad i aint get flashed.

*i laughed.

Y/N:anyway i have a problem, well not really a problem but you know. Vallyk:what?

*i pointed to my stomach. Vallyk:your joking.

*i shook my head.

Hazel:*baby talk* Vallyk: nigga you jokin- bruh- well atleast kobe aint leave you with a baby on your own, anyway how far are you? y/N:a month. Vallyk:you hid it from him? Y/N:no i didn't even know.

*vallyk laughed.

Kobe:bruh i was wondering why your period aint come, cause normally you tell me to stay the whole week your own it, and you aint tell me to stay at all. Y/N:that should of been the first red flag. Vallyk:yea but your slow ass aint realize. Y/N: don't make me smack you. Vallyk: ight chill, can i get dressed now, so she can take a nap? Y/N:fine meanie, i wnated ass. Vallyk:....get out

*i laughed, kobe looked at me and shook his head then laughed, we both walked out and went to my room.

Kobe:i guess we parents. Y/N:yup- damn he or she gets your last name first. Kobe:your giving him mine? Y/N:yes i'm giving HER yours. Kobe:nah bruh him. Y/N: would you still be happy if the baby was a girl? Kobe: of course, i just want a boy, girls are hard as hell. Y/N: how? Kobe:cause, they get periods, stomach cramps, headaches, they picky sometimes, they don't talk, bruh then they throw shade, i can't.

*i laughed.

Y/N:yea if we have a little girl, she finna beat ya ass. Kobe:nooooo.

*i laughed, i put my leg over him, he hugged me then kissed my head.

Kobe:i love you. Y/N:i love you to. Kobe:i would do anything in the world to protect you, and i would never leave you. Y/N:i will try my best to protect you and i will also never leave you.

*he smiled.

Kobe:bae, i didn't kiss her back. Y/N:ok i know. Kobe:no but i freaked out i thought you would leave me... Y/N:never, tell me what happened. Kobe:you went into the bathroom, right when you closed the door she started touching all over me, then i tried to get up and go in the bathroom with you but she pushed me down and sat on my lap, i called you but you didn't answer me then when she heard the toilet flush she stopped. Y/N:aww i'm sorry. Kobe:can i have a kiss. Y/N:no, she kissed you.

*Kobe got up, he went in the bathroom then like 40-45 mins later he came back in a towel.

Kobe:Now i'm all for you. Y/N:really. Kobe:yup.

*he came over to the bed, he kissed me, i kissed back, i pulled him more onto me then we started making out, we were about to go further but i stopped him.

Kobe:mamas. Y/N:no sexual activity.  Kobe:oh my fuckin god. Y/N:babe i will give you head if you want. Kobe:please. Y/N:k.

*i got up, i went and locked the door, he sat on the bed, he took the towel off then i got to work.

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