25. mistakes made

Start from the beginning

"I don't want her to think we're ignoring her and pretending like we don't know her, right?" He looked to his opposite side, trying to find Jungkook and Jimin.

However, Jimin was the only one who sat there with another glass of wine in his hand, drinking away by himself

"Hey, Jimin!" Jin shouted to the man beside him.

"Jimin, do you think I should go say hi to Devora?!" He asked before giving Jimin the opportunity to respond. "Look! She's just there, and I don't wanna..."

Jin's voice faded away as Jimin's mind was absorbed in contemplation, he completely forgot that Devora was there. That Jungkook was sitting right beside him, talking to some other girl.

He turned over to his right, however, it wasn't Jungkook who sat there anymore. It was the girl he was speaking to — assuming Jungkook had offered her his chair.

"Hey? Jimin, I was talking to you!" Jin tried speaking over the music, to no avail as Jimin was already conquered by yet another intrusion.

Jimin pursed his lips painstakingly, marveled by how Jungkook stood in the direction of Devora, yet didn't notice her at all.

He must have really been entrapped in the conversation with his girlfriend.

As they waited for her drink, Boseong kept Devora involved. Speaking to her about endless conversations that Devora honestly had no idea how they even came up with.

It was better to keep Boseong talking, it deflected her from the knowledge of the guys that were sitting a couple of feet away from her.

"Here you go, sorry for the wait." The bartender apologized, placing her drink down in front of her.

She thanked him, dismissing his regrets.

Devora looked up from her drink, eyes immediately sticking to his face.

She felt her lips separate, shocked that Jungkook was there — she didn't see him along with the other members.

Devora looked at the head below his figure, a woman's head.

Well, that answered her question.

It was no wonder why she didn't see him before, he was too busy talking to the girl, rather than the other members.

As much as she wished she could just toss the drink right at him out of petulance, Devora felt more betrayed than resentful.

Her teeth clamped down on her tongue, preventing herself from stray tears of disappointment.

Jungkook prattling with other girls didn't pester her. Yes, it stung like hell, but that wasn't the reason for her disappointment.

She spent days worried about him, believing he was truly going through something.

'Unbelievable.' Devora told herself, deeply sighing through her nose.

"Dev? What's wrong?" Boseong's concerning voice snagged her attention once more.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw somebody I recognized." She decided to keep it to herself, downing the margarita in the glass cup effortlessly.

"Hey, Dev!" Another voice forced itself into their conversation, causing both Boseong and Devora to turn.

It was Jin.

He walked up to them with an indulgent grin, waving at them with utter elation.

Devora returned corresponding enthusiasm, "Oh, Hi Jin! I didn't see that you were here!"

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