The rest of Katsuki's friends followed Katsuki and Izuku home. Once the two were home, the rest of them left heading home as well. Katsuki then gave Izuku something. "Here, I got it for you when we were out," Katsuki said forcing the plushie into Izuku's arms. It was incredibly soft with a cute expression on it, it was incredibly similar to the one he had gotten in middle school. He smiled at the memory and then gave Katsuki another hug, "Thanks Kacchan." 

The two spend most of the summer break hanging out with each other, sometimes with the addition of the Bakusquad who liked to tag along. Katsuki would spend some days at UA working on endurance training with the rest of his class, training a little before training camp. 

On the first day of training camp, Katsuki had to leave extremely early so that he wouldn't miss the bus. So, Izuku woke up early with him to give him a nice send-off before not seeing each other for about a week. Katsuki grabbed his bag turning around to say goodbye to Izuku one last time before he left. Izuku gave him a quick kiss before teasingly shoving Katsuki through the door. "Go, you're going to be late," he insisted and Katsuki just smirked, "see ya soon nerd," he said before closing the front door and heading to UA. Izuku sighed, 'This is going to be a long week,' he thought to himself as he sat down on the couch, turning on the TV.

Katsuki smiled as he walked toward his class. About half of the class was already there, spending their time socializing before having to line up for the bus. Kirishima ran over to Katsuki, "Hey man," he said wrapping his arm around Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki smirked, he didn't say anything but Kirishima smiled nonetheless. The two made small conversation as they waited for the bus to arrive. Soon enough everyone was there and people were finally starting to board the bus.

The students had to line up number order, which meant that no one got to choose who they sat next to. Katsuki let out a frustrated sigh as he found out his seat partner was none other than the girl he had been partnered up with during the exams. She gave him a nervous smile but he just scowled turning his back to her completely. He took out his phone, 'No better time to talk with Deku before the camp than now,' he thought as he pulled up Izuku's contact.

*On the bus* he texted. Katsuki smiled as he saw Izuku respond to it almost immediately. *Have fun! I miss you already* Katsuki smiled responding with *Miss you too* before putting on some music to listen to as he stares out the window. The view quickly went from city view to a beautiful wilderness around them. After a few hours of driving the bus pulled over. They were all still in the middle of the forest so Katsuki assumed that it was for some kind of break. However, when they exited the bus, they were greeted by two heroes. They were both girls, one in a pink outfit, the other in blue.

They approached the class explaining that from here, the students would have to run through the forest. They all looked at each other giving their friends looks that screamed how hard could that be. They all jumped into the forest and started running further into the forest in hopes of getting there in time for lunch. Not long after they all dropped down did they feel the ground around and underneath them move. The dirt started to form into monsters, charging at students they all were obstacles that the students had to fight, the training had already begun. Katsuki ran up to one of the monsters in his way and blew it up trying to make it to camp quickly. He continued to blow up the dirt monsters as he made his way steadily closer to the camp. 

Once students started to get to the opening where the camp was, it was already nightfall. Katsuki was exhausted. Not only had he not eaten lunch, Katsuki had to fight instead of eating. Once they made it there Katsuki wanted to just fall to the floor and sleep but he still had to eat dinner. They entered the camp to a feast, meats, vegetables, and other nice warm foods scattered on the tables. Even just the sight of it made everyone's mouths water.

The Alpha and His Engineer (Bakudeku)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя