After their short conversation, they started walking to meet with the others. While Rimuru was following them far behind, but there was something the piques his attention.

'Sensei, that girl I didn't hear her heartbeat or even a pulse'

[Appraisal shows no signs of internal organs of the female individual whatsoever]

Rimuru sighs while still running and following them ' To think the humanity progressed this much, to bent life and death at will how laughable and scary at the same time ' Rimuru thought.

He grabbed Shizue's mask from his imaginary space and wears it. 'Are they blue or red is the problem, well hopefully we'll find out the answer later' Rimuru quickly fasten his pace to the individuals he was following.


Both individuals arrived in the ruins of some sort as a few seconds went by 2 more individuals appeared.

"Lucia!" Scream from the petite-looking girl having silky white hair although it was dirtied from the actions they had with glowing pink horns and wearing military overall.

"Lucia!" Scream from the petite-looking girl having silky white hair although it was dirtied from the actions they had with glowing pink horns and wearing military overall

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"Your arm, what happened?" She quickly starts doing light maintenance on Lucia's arm while applying some sort of coating from it.

"We got ambushed from those corrupted and had to deactivate my pain receptors, fortunately, me and the commandant are safe. But Liv where's both of your Levi-guns? (Levitating guns basically cannons that floated) " Lucia replied.

"....No way to deactivate your pain receptors means losing more of your humanity Lucia" Liv replied

The other individual went near to the commandant and gave him some sort of serum. Thus the commandant drinks the whole content of the vial.

"Both guns malfunctioned during a short skirmish so we had to discard it. And as for where did I get that serum commandant, just don't ask about it" the male individual with blonde hair and blue horn replied. Also known as Lee.

As they were heated up in their talks Rimuru who was given new information about them started sorting it out with the use of Thought Acceleration

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As they were heated up in their talks Rimuru who was given new information about them started sorting it out with the use of Thought Acceleration

[Appraisal shows no internal organs within those 2 individuals master]

'3 androids and a human they call a commandant, what the hell is happening to this world. And what's with those horns'

[It acts as a filter from the virus to not enter their mechanical bodies]


'It also affects robots huh, well we had to fight those same types of corrupted but what intrigues me is their humanly look even tho they are androids' Rimuru sneered

[With the appraisal of those 3 individuals we could make an android with the right preferences but I suggest we make it at a later date]

'As expected from Raphael -sensei you also got curious about it huh' Rimuru felt the smugness from her.


What looks like whole minutes has passed, it was only mere seconds with their whole conversation of Rimuru and Raphael.

"Well then Commandant we have a special individual to find" Lucia said while doing test movement from his partially fixed arm.

"Lucia please refrain from doing excessive movements although it's fixed it might go badly once more" Liv replied.

With a nod from Lucia, they started heading out once more. With Rimuru still following from the shadows since he hadn't fully appraised their value yet.


'A church' Rimuru thought, what's in front of him was a broken-down church he saw the group known as Gray Raven with the use of his Magic sense he read the dog tag hanging from their necks.

'Of all places why here?' He scurried around and fit through tiny holes and if necessary he transformed into his slime form to slide within the gaps.

What appears inside of the church is a wide-open area where the Masses took place. Rimuru scurried along the sides and found himself on the right side of the wall. Surprisingly natural lightings still seep through the cracks lighting most of the areas.

[High levels of the unknown substance have been detected] although his Presence Manipulation was active, Rimuru quickly puts his hands on the sheath of the katana, ready to pull out and do a swift cut any moment.

The Gray Raven has arrived at the open area, what awaits in front of them was another mysterious individual

"What's that.." Liv looks in front of them

With pale white hair, mismatched colors of the eyes, ragged red scarf and clothes, and numerous amount of dog tags that cover her cleavage. And high levels of the Unknown substance within her, surely this individual must be taken lightly of.

"It's a construct. An ally?".. Liv said but it quickly changed

"The readings of her.... High-density Punishing Virus detected! She's a corrupted!" Liv cried out advising the others to a battle formation.

The ashen individual only stood there focusing all of her gaze mainly on Lucia

"What's this... It's weird.." Lucia shook her head. "My visuals sensors are going wrong... I can't see her thoughts..."


"Got it" Lee pulls out both of his plasma guns from the holster and starts shooting at the corrupted drawing her attention.

The female corrupted unsheathes her sword deflecting and blocking those incoming projectiles at her.

Lee clicked his tongue in irritation " even petty tricks won't work huh in that case" as he was about to reload the female corrupted was already closing in on him.

'No time to dodge!' He puts both of his arms in front to block the incoming attack but he felt something yank him from the back.

Lee looks to see there was a silver line encircled his waistline 'threads?'


The others divert their attention to that sound even the enemy corrupted was bewildered by it.

What infront of the female corrupted was none other than Rimuru himself blocking the decisive blow with his katana.

"So you finally showed yourself" The ashen-haired female corrupted spoke.

The End.
Next chapter
Allies and foes

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