―xiv. secret tunnel (secret tunnel!)

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IN TERMS OF PROGRESS, Naomi and her questing buddies weren't doing too hot.

For a girl with super underground senses, Hazel wasn't good in Rome. She kept leading them around and around the city, getting dizzy, and doubling back.

"Sorry," she said. "It's just... there's so much underground here, so many layers, it's overwhelming. Like standing in the middle of an orchestra and trying to concentrate on a single instrument. I'm going deaf."

As a result, they got a tour of Rome. Outside of the rapidly descending time-limit, Naomi didn't mind all that much. The city was beautiful. On a better day, she could see herself getting lost on purpose, just to take in as much of the place as she could.

On a better day, she would be with Annabeth and Percy, on a date in Rome, no evil goddesses or end-of-the-world drama looming overhead.

But that was a dream. A beautiful dream, but a dream all the same.

They passed big churches, freestanding arches, clothing stores, and fast-food restaurants. One statue of some Ancient Roman warrior seemed to be pointing to a nearby McDonald's.

On the wider streets, the car traffic was crazy, though the questers spent most of their time weaving through small alleys, coming across fountains and little cafés.

"I never thought I'd get to see Rome," Hazel said. "When I was alive, I mean the first time, Mussolini was in charge. We were at war."

"Mussolini?" Leo frowned. "Wasn't he like BFFs with Hitler?"

Hazel stared at him like he was an alien. "BFFs?"

"'Best friends forever,'" Naomi supplied.

Hazel nodded. "I'd love to see the Trevi Fountain," she said.

"There's a fountain on every block," Leo grumbled.

"Or the Spanish Steps," Hazel said.

"Why would you come to Italy to see Spanish steps?" Leo asked. "That's like going to China for Mexican food, isn't it?"

"You're hopeless," Hazel complained.

"So I've been told."

Naomi and Frank shared a tired look before Hazel grabbed his hand. "Come on. I think we should go this way."

After more walking, Hazel stopped in front of what looked like a church. The main section had a big domed roof. The entrance had a triangular roof, typical Roman columns, and an inscription across the top: M. AGRIPPA something or other.

"Latin for Get a grip?" Leo speculated.

"This is our best bet." Hazel sounded more certain than she had all day. "There should be a secret passage somewhere inside."

Tour groups milled around the steps. Guides held up colored placards with different numbers and lectured in dozens of languages like they were playing some kind of international bingo.

After a moment, Leo reported to his friends, "This is the Pantheon. It was originally built by Marcus Agrippa as a temple to the gods. After it burned down, Emperor Hadrian rebuilt it, and it's been standing for two thousand years. It's one of the best-preserved Roman buildings in the world."

Naomi, Frank, and Hazel stared at him.

"How did you know that?" Hazel asked.

"I'm naturally brilliant."

"Centaur poop," Frank said. "He eavesdropped on a tour group."

Leo grinned. "Maybe. Come on. Let's go find that secret passage. I hope this place has air conditioning."

This Cold Year ― Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase²Where stories live. Discover now