when i'm bored, i fabricate love stories

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They have a yard

with benches and grass and pot plants

all that

with lighters and cigarettes and smoke

all that

it's a square and surrounded by high walls made out of bricks and glass

all that

the benches don't face each other

one in every corner and when you sit you look at bricks

and glass

glass that forms windows which can't be opened

they don't have a rain shelter

when it rains the floor turns dark and all you hear is splashing

when it rains

and rains

for days


don't the plants die? won't they overflow with water and drown?

It's mostly empty on overflowing days

people smoke and leave

smoke and leave

light their cigarette and

smoke and leave

it's mostly crowded on bright days

people smoke and talk

smoke and walk

smoke and laugh

and often

heart shattering often

people smoke and cry

smoke and yell

smoke and fight

but there's a consistency

they always smoke

sometimes they sit

often they walk

circles and circles

around benches

around grass and pot plants

they walk and walk in circles, going back and forth

back and forth

but they always end up at the very same place

rarely I see people who don't smoke

who just sit

who just walk

or just talk

or often just cry

and yell

and fight

rarely I see people who don't smoke

who just lay on the ground

or walk around in rain drenched socks

or knock on bricks and glass

glass that forms windows which can't be opened

who wave around

sometimes I see him

when I see him

he smokes

rolled in beige pueblo, filter inserted on the right side

slim filters

he has an honest smile

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