when abused before pt.II

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VIOLET, 8.28am : he will never leave my body

VIOLET, 8.30am : he took my home from me and i can never get it back

VIOLET, 8.30am : how can i live within myself

VIOLET, 8.30am : if everything's been brutally destroyed and vandalized?

VIOLET, 8.31am : i will never be able to feel safe within myself

VIOLET, 8.31am : i can never find peace

VIOLET, 8.32am : you can't heal in the place that has damaged you

VIOLET, 8.32am : how am i supposed to live when i constantly permanently have to feel this body that's bee taken from me

VIOLET, 8.33am : i don't understand

VIOLET, 8.33am : i don't know

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