Back story chap 1

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⚠️TW: death, abuse and slight mention of alcohol and drugs.⚠️


Eloise was born September 15 2006. Her parents
were loving and caring people but sadly passed away in a car accident the driver was drunk and skipped a red light hitting their car and ended with their death. Eloise was only 8 months old when this happened thankfully she didn't have major injuries and survived but how she didn't have anymore relatives to take her she was brought into the foster system ever since.
Eloise life consisted in never feeling loved or appreciated, never had been well cared of or never cared for at all. she hated how she grew up and had the wort childhood ever...
the first foster home she remembers she was 7 years old and lived with 8 different kids who where also foster kids they all had to stay in the same room and had the same bathroom, the parents didn't care all they wanted was the money, they were never even there to take care of any of the children. They were always drunk and too high to care which is why she had to take care of herself and learn how to deal with the older kids that bugged her... this went on for 2 years until one of the parents overdosed and they took all the kids to different foster homes.

The second home she was in wasn't that bad she was 9 years old and lived with an other kid and his parents he was their biological son and they obviously never failed to make sure she knew that and make remarks that she would never be treated like him because he was their real son...

Then came her third home when she was 10 it consisted on a couple who couldn't have kids so they wanted to "give all their love" to someone who needed it if Eloise would have known that giving all their love meant being locked in a room most days without any food or water that it meant that the "father" could come into her room and do whatever he wanted with her on and on for 6 months she would have definitely never believed it. since then she never believed she could be loved or would ever be loved.

Then it came the ones where she felt like Cinderella she had to clean the floors,cook dinner,Clean the bathrooms,bedrooms, windows,kitchen, living room all the house... this one's didn't last long they would always give her up after 2 or 3 months or they got bored of seeing her all the time or either she broke something (never get away with it without any type of punishment) or they juts didn't want her anymore.. this was something Eloise felt daily, that feeling of not being wanted or not belonging anywhere and that feeling was just always there no matter what she did it just stayed there with her.

School wasn't something Eloise loved she had never been on a school long enough to say she had a best friend or even a friend, the thing is her attendance wasn't good at all with all the moving around and all the "caring" foster parents she really didn't go that often, but she would go now and then but when she got into marks care it all went down almost non existent.

And here it is the worst of all the foster homes... Eloise was 14 when she first met mark he seemed like a really nice guy but Eloise was sceptical  of him she didn't really trust man after all she had been trhough. He was really nice to her the first 2 weeks but what Eloise didn't expect was that he actually was her worst nightmare.
One day he just told her to go down to the basement that he had a "surprise for her" but in reality she had been tricked and locked up when she figured out what happened it was too late she tried yelling, crying making the most noice she could but there was no luck.
She had a mattres and a blanket she was chained to the tubes so she couldn't run away or try to open the door... mark would take advantage of her most nights and days whenever he wanted to really.
Eloise didn't like that at all it hurt her too much. The only way she could come out of there was ether the social worker was coming to make and inspection or mark wanted a change of scenery for his "game"... Eloise never thought that this would ever happen to her I mean she did have a fucked up life but being a practical hostage was never something she thought would happen... sometimes mark would forget to lock the door or chain her up but she was so scared that never tried of running away from him she never even wanted to think what he would do to her if she ever did it was already awful enough.


Hey guys hope you liked the first chapter it's not very long it's just a lil introduction and background so you can understand everything that will happen a long the story before the actual drama and story begins.

Don't forget to take care of yourself. drink some water and tell to yourself that you matter and are loved even if you don't believe it I want you to know I do, I apréciate you and love you. ❤️

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