10. First kiss

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Third Person POV

Camille bumped into the person and thankfully landed in Carter's arms.

"Ouch! Izzy?" Camille narrowed her eyes at him.

Izzy on the other hand hadn't paid attention, nor did he apologize since his hardened gaze was on Carter.

"Watch where the fuck you're going." Carter spat. Hate and disgust laced his voice.

"Why the hell are you even here Carter?" Izzy clenched his jaw, his hands in fists. This wasn't Carter's usual scene, in fact none of Carter's boys ever came into the corridors that led to the library.

Carter let out a dry chuckle looking at Camille and back at Izzy again. "Get out of the fucking way Winston, last time I checked this was campus grounds."

"Babe let's go.." Izzy heard Camille whisper, as she tried to pull Carter away. A sinister smirk grew on Izzy's lips.

"Babe?" Izzy scoffed. While Carter narrowed his eyes at her for what she said. "Too bad Carter, your babe came to me last month since you couldn't satisfy her enough." He snickered.

It was Carter's time to ball his fist now, with the campus security just feet away from them, the boys had to keep their temper and the urge to throw their fists at each other at bay.

Surprisingly Carter showcased his smirk, making a few steps to Izzy. "Feeling proud Winston? Must be feeling splendid to collect the scraps huh? They come to me first, once I'm done then they come to you. Feels good huh?" Carter kept provoking Izzy, the two just stood a foot away from each other.

"Shut up! You're both disgusting!" Camille screeched, pushing them both away and stomping out of the building.

"Carter and Isaac, is everything alright there?" The guard asked, making his way to them.

"It's all good Mr. Jones." They said in unison before parting ways, giving each other a deadly glare, meaning their clash wasn't over yet.

"Hope you have a good game this weekend Miles!" Izzy spoke in a mocking tone while they still faced each other making backward steps. Only for Carter to give him the one finger salute.


Elora Hall

As I stepped out of the library, my heart dropped to my stomach. Izzy had his back to me just metres away while his shoulders tensed and balled fists but, that wasn't it. Opposite Izzy was Carter. He was retreating his steps still facing our way, while he stuck his middle finger out for Izzy, I'm assuming. His face held a evil smirk, his eyes staring deeply into Izzy's. With no care in the world, even when the campus security watched them.

Soon Carter's eyes found me, and I swallowed. Those green eyes took me in for a second. His hand dropped. He still looked mean, like someone I never wanted to come across, ever! I wanted to look away but I failed miserably. As though a miracle had occurred, I felt those green eyes soften a bit before Carter walked away. Wow Elle! You're clearly hallucinating now.

After Carter's departure I felt Izzy shoulder relax.

"Izzy?" I held his shoulder as soon as I got close to him. There was no response.

I stood so close to him to notice his eyes, frozen at the spot where Carter had just disappeared. "Bastard." I heard him mutter under his breath. His face cold and distant. A very odd thing coming from a person like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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