9. Strange feelings

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Elora Hall

"He said what?!" I heard Ashley scream through the phone.

"You heard me Ash, I'm repeating it for the third time now. He asked me if I knew he liked me."


"And..." I contemplated if I should tell her what happened in the car.


(Back to when Elora was with Izzy in the car.)

"You know I really like you right?" Izzy words made me stunned. I might have looked like a goldfish that had gotten caught, mouth agape while my eyes bulged out of my sockets.

"What?" I whispered. This has to be a joke. But Izzy's face clearly had no other glint of expression rather than looking utterly sincere.

"I like you Elle!" He chuckled nervously. "It's too early I know. But I can't lose this chance. So I'm taking the opportunity to let you know how I feel about you. Please tell me you'll think about it." He bit his lip while staring into my eyes. "Think about us." Izzy's eyes running down to my lips.

For the first time, I let a guy get so close to me. And now he says he likes me. How can such a perfect human, be interested in a girl like me?

Izzy still watched me, from mere inches away. His arm resting on the side of my seat. I sighed looking down at my lap. I can't think straight while looking at him. As a friend, he had been great. He was genuinely caring. Always made me laugh. A ray of sunshine, that I never knew I needed. What if I liked him back? Does that mean we'd get into a relationship? That's a huge step Elle!

I fiddled with my fingers, looking up at Izzy. I gave him a nervous nod.

His eyes lit up in an instant.

"I.." I swallowed. "I'll think about it."

"Really?" He asked me in disbelief, making me smile.

I nodded again. "I'll think about us." My voice came out a little more positive.

"Fuck yes!" He exclaimed. His hands quickly held my cheeks, making me gasp.

His gaze fell on my lips again. I entwined my own fingers to stop myself from shaking. Izzy quickly shook his head and projected the happiest grin. "Thank you so much cupcake." He held my interweaved hands before kissing my knuckles.

Like weird reflex, I pulled my hands away. Looking out the window. There was no one on the streets. "Good night Izzy." I mumbled, feeling a blush making its way on my cheeks.

"Good night baby." He replied dreamily. I laughed shaking my head at him.


Back to Ashley and Elora's phone conversation...

"Eeekkk!" Ashley screamed through the phone after I told her exactly what had happened.


There was another loud noise.

"Ash?" I called out but no answer. "Ashley?" I tried again.

"Here here!" She groaned. "I fell off the bed. Dammit!"

"Oh my god, are you alright?" I laughed, unable to control myself. I heard her swear and grumble before she laid back on her bed.


"Someone looks quite cheerful!" I heard a voice as I stepped downstairs for breakfast before leaving for college.

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