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True Name: (y/n) Emiya
Class: None
Title: The King Of Fire
Gender: male
Alignment: chaotic good
Height: 122 cm
Weight: 40 kg

Strength:E- Endurance: E- Agility: E Magic:EX Luck:D Noble Phantasm:-

Class Skills

True flame body: EX
A blessing of the lord his body is immune to and is able to utilize fire to such a level that even the gods would be jealous

Personal Skills

Soul of flame:B
As his body would have been destroyed if not for his flames replacing his body with solid flame constructs he would not be alive and so he can replace his body with his flames.

A skill that borders the level of true magic. Not just a normal flame but rather the ultimate part of a flame given form

Blessed by the lord: B+++
Given the holy lords blessing, followers of god shall feel good around him. He can also preform very minor miracles of god with this power.

A very talented mage, he has potential to become on of the greatest magus's who ever lived. But right now he's just a child

Rapid adaptation: D
He is able to analyze and adapt to techniques very quickly allowing him to fight slowly getting better every attack.

Mana core: EX
Within his body lays the greatest of magic cores, made of absolute fire it allows him to generate insane amounts of mana
A feat not obtained since the age of gods in distant past.

Noble Phantasms
We shall see shan't we

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