Chapter 12

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Karl POV

"And plus, I'd rather spend time with you."

Not even gonna lie, I cringed a little when I said that. Not because it wasn't true, because it totally was, it just seems so cliché to say.

I heard an overdramatic gagging noise from Sammy, who was still sitting on the couch across from us. "Get a room, love birds!" She exclaimed to both of us. Y/N just stuck up their middle finger towards her, obviously playing around.

We all chatted until Sammy began to get up and start packing her things. Y/N got a confused look on their face at Sammy's actions.

"What are you doing Sam?" They questioned.

"Unfortunately, my dad has work early tomorrow so I have to watch Crystal until tomorrow afternoon. So I'm gonna go hop in Big Momma and go home so I can go watch my sister." She said, slinging her bag over her shoulder and standing up straight to face us.

"Big Momma? Did you really name your car Big Momma?" Y/N had asked, both disbelief and amusement in their voice.

"I sure did, I have a bumper sticker and everything." She said, straight faced and nodding. "Anyway, see ya." She said and started walking towards the front door. "Have fun lovebirds! And make sure you wrap it up! I don't want to be a big sister and an aunt at 21!" Sammy announced as she walked out the door.


If I was drinking something, I would've spit it out. I love Sammy, but sometimes she's a little crass.

My eyes travelled over to Karl, who was blushing, even if he was trying to hide it. I can guarantee I was too, it was funny because Karl was trying to act like he wasn't.

After a few minutes of Karl and I letting the shock settle, we finally started talking again. It was nice to talk to him without the anxiety of secret feelings. Speaking of that, what even are we? We've established we like each other, and we've kissed, but we haven't talked much about it since. I mean I don't even know if I'm ready for a relationship after what happened with Tay-

"Y/N?" Karl asked. He could probably tell I was thinking about something just by the look on my face.


"You good?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about something." I nodded with my answer, trying to convince him it was really nothing.

"You sure? You can talk about it if you want." He looked down to where I was laying on his shoulder.

"Mhmm" I nodded once again. I need to stop getting in my head so much.

Karl silently gave me an alright and hugged me closer to him.

"Do you wanna sleep over? I know you have before but like, for real? We can go get snacks and stuff from the gas station." I asked Karl. I'm usually not one for sleepovers, but I might make an exception if it means I could bask in the warmth of this man just a little longer.

Karl paused for a second, probably thinking over his answer. I felt his head fall over onto mine as he mumbled. "Yeah, I would like that."

Le Time Skip

Karl and I stayed on the couch for a little longer before we decided to get snacks. We got up and slipped our shoes on at the door before walking out. We walked down the street to the gas station I had gone to earlier, hand in hand.

I thought nothing about the fact we were holding hands. It seemed so natural to me, like our hands were just supposed to be together.

Karl and I made nice conversation while we walked, which is always nice. I don't mind when we're quiet, sometimes just enjoying each other's company is great. I just like to hear him talk about literally anything, especially youtube, which is what he is talking about right now.

His spew about all the different things Mr. Beast and his friends quickly quieted as we arrived at the gas station so we could get snacks. We walked around the aisles together, grabbing what we wanted for the night. Karl insisted on getting himself a Monster, despite the fact that I already had some at home he could have.

We ended up getting Chips, Candy, a slushie for me, and Karl's Monster. As I tried to pull out my wallet to pay, Karl pulled his wallet out and swiped his card before I had the chance to grab my money. He grabbed the bag from the cashier and thanked him before we walked out.

"Why?" I asked, putting my wallet back in my pocket.

"It's gas station food, Y/N. I'm not gonna go broke over it" Karl chuckled at how surprised I was that he paid. "Plus, I can buy you food."

"Whatever, I had my money out." I said.

"But I beat you to it."

I rolled my eyes and squeezed Karl's hand gently. We were mostly quiet on the way home, which was fine. I just enjoyed his presence. We have plenty of time to talk tonight.

Once we got back to the house Karl and I made our way up into my room. We put all our snacks down on the bed and Karl sat down next to them. I walked over to the dresser I had put my clothes in when we got here and pulled out a hoodie and some shorts to sleep in.

I turned to Karl who was just looking around, not really focusing on anything.

"Yo" I said, catching his attention. "Turn around or get out for a minute, I gotta change."

He nodded and got up, leaving my room and shutting the door behind him. I quickly got changed and put my dirty laundry into the small pile I had made in the corner of the room. I walked up to the door and opened it, letting Karl back inside.

I jumped onto my bed, making sure not to crush the food on my way down. Karl came over and laid next to me.

"I can go ask Luke for clothes if you wanna change." I said. Lucas was a little bigger than him, but his clothes would still fit.

"No it's fine, these are comfy enough"

"Okay, do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked, grabbing my laptop off of the side table.

"Yeah, sure, pick out something while I get everything else set up."

I nodded and opened Netflix, scrolling through movies I would want to watch before landing on one. Karl grabbed all our snacks and set them up in a comfortable spot before finding his own spot right next to me. I picked out a movie and got comfortable before starting it. We were almost silent, besides a few chuckles or comments about the movie.

Le Time Skip

As we started the second movie, I felt my eyes get heavier. I turned a bit so I was nuzzled into Karl's side, and then fell asleep peacefully.


I am very sorry for taking so long to update, but it's here now! Brand new, extra long chapter, just for you guys! Also by the time the next chapter is finished I'll probably have hit 10k reads on this book so I just wanted to say thank you guys now! I can't believe my silly lil story reached so many people! I'll try to get the next chapter out soon, but no promises.

Love ya, Write later <3

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