Chapter 6

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Today was a good day.


     I woke up relatively early the next morning, maybe like 8 or 9. I take in a deep breath, trying to wake myself up a little, only to be met with the strong smell of someone's body spray. I wasn't expecting it, but it was a very pleasant smell. It attempted to lull me back to sleep, but I figured that if I was asleep on someone, I should probably get up.

     Speaking of that, I had no clue where or who that smell was coming from. I leaned my head back against the hand on the back of it that felt like it was trying to keep me from leaving. I almost stayed in the light embrace until my gaze reached the face of the person below me, and I realized I was laying on Karl.

     A pink hue rushed to my cheeks as I internally panicked. There's no way we've been cuddling this whole time. And I feel asleep on him during the movie too oh my god.  I mentally slapped myself, why am I like this?

     I gently removed his hand from my head and placed it back on his stomach once I got up. I stretched and looked around the living room. Okay, no one saw that. Good. I yawned and decided that since I'm already up, might as well start getting ready.

     I walked upstairs as quietly as possible and snuck into my room. I walked into the small closet my clothes were in and started to go through my outfits to find something comfy to wear while I was waiting for everyone to wake up.

     Once I got my clothes, I walked into the bathroom and laid out my clothes. I turned around to the shower and turned it on. Or, attempted to turn it on. This was different than the shower at home, so it took me a hot minute to figure it out. Once I did turn it on, I undressed and got in. 

     I sighed as I felt the warm water run down my body. It made me feel so relaxed. I eventually got to actually washing myself, although it took a little because I was enjoying the warmth. Once I was done washing my body,  I just stood there for a little bit, thinking.

     Why was I so embarrassed when I woke up with Karl today? I mean I fell asleep on him, so that would make sense. Was it because we were cuddling? No. I've cuddled people platonically before, even with guys. Could I...? No... I mean maybe?  I haven't seen Karl in a while and now I come back and he's kind of cute. Is there a possibility that I like Karl? Maybe...

     My thoughts are interrupted by a soft knocking at the bathroom door. Considering Luke was the only one able to get to this bathroom (Because our rooms were connected by it) other than me, I concluded he had probably woken up. I told him to wait a minute through the door before getting out and drying myself off quickly before getting dressed and leaving the bathroom.

     I get the rest of the way ready and head downstairs at around 10 to make breakfast. When I walk down, I see Karl still asleep on the couch. A small blush crosses my cheeks as I pass him. Cute. I walk out to the kitchen and start using what little cooking knowledge I have to make the one thing I'm good at, French Toast. 

     Occasionally, I would hear Karl shift or stir in his sleep, which made me giggle. The one time I heard him get so close to waking up, only to give up and go back to sleep. Once I finished my French Toast, I decided to be nice and make some for everyone else. After about 20 minutes, I finished everyone's food and set it down on the table for when they woke up, which seemed to be happening gradually. It was Me, Lucas, Corry, Mom, and not very surprisingly, Karl. He always stayed up late and woke up even later, even when we were in Highschool.

     After everyone had ate, Karl trudged up to table with a smile smile plastered on his lips. I looked up from my phone and smiled back at him quickly. I watched as he grabbed himself some Toast and started eating. He looked pleasantly surprised, which made me chuckle.

     "What?" He asked, mouth still mostly stuffed with food.

     "Nothing, you just looked surprised is all." I chuckled at him, trying to subtly raise my phone to take a picture of him with his cheeks stuffed like a Chipmunk.

     "I just wasn't ready for such good French Toast, I just woke up." He chewed up and swallowed the rest of the food in his mouth. 

     "Well thank you, I appreciate it." I smile softly at him.

     He looked at me with absolute awe and surprise in his icy eyes. "You made these?!" He asked. 

     "Uhm, yeah. You said that like you were surprised." I feigned offense as a joke, but it seemed to immediately fluster him.

     "I mean, yeah. But not in a bad way! I just...I guess it's just because I haven't had your cooking in a while." He blushed a little and looked down at his plate.

     "Do you think it's Spouse material?"  I asked, knowing fully that he wouldn't totally realize what I just asked him for a couple seconds.

     "Oh, definitely. This is delicious." He nodded. His eyes widened and he blushed as he realized what I had just asked and what he had just answered.

     I had taken a picture at that exact moment as well. "Hahahaha! You shoulda seen your face!" I laughed, leaning back in my chair so far I almost fell over.

     "Oh, you little shit!" He exclaimed as he put down his fork on his almost finished plate of French Toast. 

     He smacked his hand down on the table as he got up and walked over to my side of the table. He easily picked me up and carried me over to the couches, where he through me down and started tickling me.

Just like in high school.


Whoop Whoop new chapter pog! Anyway I think that Y/N and Karl are going to get together quicker in this fic than in the Sapnap one but that is just because this dynamic fits better and also I'm soooooooo desperate to write relationship fluff it's unreal. Anyway uhhhh I'm gonna try to post 1 chapter for each story tomorrow, depends on what school allows.

Write Later, Love you <3

Published: 2/28/21

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