Chapter 4

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Now, I am starved.


     We all settled down at the large table for dinner. My mom made Chicken and Baked Potatoes, it was pretty simple, but she was good at it.

      We all started eating as soon as everyone's plate was down. I ate in a hurry so I could get seconds while they were still warm. What can I say? I'm a big eater.

     I successfully finished my seconds as everyone else was finishing their meals as well. Lucas leaned over to me in his seat.

      "One, you're a fatass" He joked, flicking me on the arm. "Two, What was that little show you did with Karl earlier?"

      "I'm not a fatass, and it wasn't a show, we were just hugging. We haven't seen or talked to each other in like 6 years, we're just happy to see each other." I flicked him back.

      "Yeah, sure. I'll believe that." He laughed and backed away from me before I could react and hit him.

"Jackass." I mumble.

I'm gonna be entirely honest, my cheeks got a little pink when Lucas suggested that I saw Karl as anything other than a friend. I mean, I don't think I do. We haven't seen each other in years, it might just be seeing him again that's making me like this. I mean, I have no idea what he's like or what he enjoys unless he's the exact same as he was in Sophomore year.

     Everyone got up from the table to get on the couch. Of course Luke sat the only place open other than right next to Karl or the floor; and I'll be damned if I sit on the floor because my twin brother is an idiot.

     I take my seat next to Karl as the rest of the group chooses the first movie for us to watch. I stare at my hands that are folded up in my lap and start to fidget a little. Unfortunately I've been doing that my whole life and Karl seemed to notice.

     "You good?" He asked, placing his hand on top of my fidgeting ones.

     "Oh, yeah, just kinda nervous. I haven't seen you guys in a while." I felt a slight warmth rush to my cheeks as I looked up into Karl's blue-gray eyes.

     "You're fine. We're all a little nervous to see each other."  He smiled at me kindly, which quickly put my mind at ease.

     I nodded softly and looked at the TV as the movie started. Everyone decided to watch The Conjuring 2, which I didn't really mind. I actually kinda like horror movies.

     Something I realized about 20 minutes into the movie was that Karl never moved his hand. It just sat there on top of mine, keeping them still. A slight heat formed behind my cheeks but I just brushed it off. His love language is touch, it always has been. He's probably just excited I'm back.

I decide to return his loving touch by flipping my hand palm-up in my lap to face his. His hand falls on top of mine at the loss of balance both my hands gave. Once our palms were touching Karl's fingers automatically interlaced with mine. I giggled and wrapped my fingers with his as well.

     I looked up at Karl with a thin smile pressed to my lips. His cheeks were slightly reddened, which made me chuckle. I leaned back into the cushions of the couch and looked back at the screen, keeping my fingers laced with Karl's.

     Every once in a while I would feel Karl jump or flinch when the scary parts happened. I giggled and leaned into his side.

     "You scared?"

     "Pfft, no. Why would I be scared?" He shakes his head, making his fluffy brown hair bounce around everywhere.

     "I don't know, you should tell me." I giggle and turn back towards the movie. "Y'know you're the only one that seems to be scared right now. Everyone else is chill."

     "I don't remember asking" He chuckled and fake punched me with his free hand.

Time Skip cuz uhhhhhhhhhhhhh

     After the first movie, Karl suggested we should watch a comedy or something. He claimed it was to "ease the air", but I knew it was just because he was scared. Since he was the one that insisted on changing up the genre, he got to pick the movie. 

     During the first movie, mine and Karl's hands had broken apart while he was busy being jumpy at every creepy part that came up. I laughed every time he got scared by something that was very obviously coming up.

     As Karl clicked the button to turn the new movie on, I noticed his body start to relax next to me. Damn, this guy really doesn't like horror. Wimp.

     As we watched the movie, I slowly grew bored. Comedy movies were so hit or miss with me. They were either immediately funny, trying to be funny but failing, or took like 15 minutes to actually start cracking any jokes. This movie was okay. Definitely not the best I've seen, but it wasn't too bad.

     After a little I started to get tired. I tried my best to force myself awake and keep my head up, but it was getting really bad. As my eyes drifted shut, I felt my head hit something soft, and then I was out for good.

Shit, I really didn't wanna do that.

Heyyyyyyyy people. Imma let yall guess what the next chapter is gonna be even though its probably pretty easy to guess. Anyway, yall know the drill. Vote and Comment. Have a good day/night and I love you <3 (Also I have too many ideas going around in this big ol head of mine so imma start a google doc for my story ideas lol)

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