Chapter 10 Pt1

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I honestly didn't care at this point.


     Yesterday Sammy was here to see me and I finally got to open up to someone about what happened between me and Taylor. I should probably tell Karl about that soon, I just don't really want him to worry like he always does.

Karl went home to get himself together and Sammy went back to her parent's house to settle in. Everyone is coming over for dinner again tonight.

I sat on my phone for a little after I woke up. I checked the time 11 o'clock. Ugh, it's been like an hour and a half. Guess I should get up and do something.

I climbed out of bed and walked over to my closet to get changed. I just changed into grey sweats and a dark t-shirt for the time being, but to be honest I probably wouldn't change again.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs towards the kitchen where Lucas was standing, drinking a glass of water. (A/N: Imagine being healthy 🙄) I literally slid up next to him, letting my socks glide across the hardwood floor.

"Are you excited to see everyone in one place again? It's been a while." Luke asked, setting his cup down on the center island.

"I guess so, yeah. I've talked to all of them individually and I love them all but... you know how I am with loud noises and crowds." I said, biting at the inside of my cheek.

"You'll be fine, I doubt anyone is going to put you in a situation where you get too uncomfortable." He grinned at me, hovering his hand over my back while he waited for permission to touch me.

A nodded silently and he started rubbing my back to comfort me. This is what I liked about having a twin. He's always been respectful of me and my boundaries, even when we were little. Now I'm not one for stereotypes, but I think that whole twin telepathy thing might actually have something to it.

"Yeah, you're right I guess. Plus I'll have Sammy and Karl and you incase stuff gets too bad." I sighed, letting up on my cheek a little.

"There you go." He grinned and stood up straight to go continue whatever it was he was doing. "Now go make sure you're ready, Mom said people are going to start coming over at like 3 so they can get help cook and stuff.

I nodded and checked the time again. 12:03. Alright, I still have a few hours. I ate and went back upstairs to work for a bit and start getting ready.

Over the next 2 1/2 hours, I worked on my story, took a veryyyy long shower, and got dressed. I was excited to see everyone, but something in the back of my mind was tormenting me about the whole situation. It's probably nothing.

      Now I had another 30 minutes to really just do whatever. There's a gas station down the street I saw when we were driving in, I think I'll walk over there and get some snacks.

      I grabbed my phone and wallet off of my nightstand and put in headphones for the walk there. I made my way downstairs and walked out of the front door, making my way to the gas station.

     When I got there I immediately walked back to the drinks and got a few monsters from the fridges. I'm a little exhausted after yesterday. I grabbed a big bag of chips from the shelf to keep to myself in my room.

I went up to the register and paid for my things. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door of the gas station and back up the road towards the house. I saw another car in the driveway. Someone must be here already.

It looks like a Red punch buggy. I don't think I know anyone with that car. I just shrugged it off and walked up the pathway to the door. As I walked in I got a little deja vu from yesterday. Sammy was sitting on the couch watching tv again.

"Hey loser, where were you? With Karl again?" She asked, pausing what she was watching to focus on me.

"Wha- No!" I said, hopping over the back of the couch to sit next to her. "I was out getting snacks"

"You would." She said in a joking tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, playfully punching her on the shoulder.

"What ever you want it to mean, whore." She giggled, punching me back.

"Why are you here so early, anyway?"

"Your mom wanted help with dessert, you know how good I am at making desserts."

"Do I? Cuz I distinctly remember you burning a pie in Freshmen year."

"Hey! Pie is difficult and I was inexperienced! Not my fault!" She quickly jumped to her own defense.

"Sure." I said, sarcastically. "Now, what is for dessert?"

"Deez Nuts! OOOOOHHHHHH" She yelled, which quickly became laughter. "I GOT YOU WITH A DEEZ NUTS JOKE"

     I just rolled my eyes in disbelief. That was partially my fault though, I did set her up. Just as she stopped laughing, my mom walked into the kitchen and told Sammy she could use the oven.

     I'm not the best cook, so when I followed Sammy to the kitchen I just ended up sitting off to the side on the counter. I pulled out a Monster from my bag and we started talking as Sammy began to bake dessert. 

     "So, Karl's gonna be over tonight..." She said, obviously hinting at something.

     "So will mine and his entire family. If you think I'm gonna try to pull something in front of everyone, you'd be so far away from right I'd think you were the one that moved to New York." I said, eyeing her with a humored look.

     "I still don't forgive you for that."

     "It's not my fault my mom got a good job offer." I said, taking a sip of my monster.

     "You could've stayed with me."

     "And have to wake up to Crys (Pronounced Chris) everyday? No thanks. I got enough of that when I slept over your house." I rolled my eyes dramatically.

     "She's a sweetheart most of the time, just a little rough in the mornings. But that's not important right now! Back to Karl." She said, starting to mix ingredients. "Why aren't you gonna try to make a move tonight?"

     "Because Everyone will be there, I don't know if he feels the same way, and I told you what happens when I get too nervous. I don't want him to have to deal with panic Y/N" I explained, counting off the separate reasons on my hand.

     "Didn't he already do that at the Arcade?" She asked.

     "Yes, and I don't want him to have to do it again." I nodded, drinking some more of my Monster. I was already like halfway done.

      Sammy and I continued to have playful bickering and conversation for a while until the dessert was ready. She made Chocolate Chip cookies and Apple Pie. She really showed me that she knows how to make a pie, because it smells really good. I checked my phone to see what time it was. 6:15. People should start arriving soon. I don't know why I feel all this nervousness in the pit of my stomach. I know all these people. Maybe it's because I haven't seen them in forever. Or because there's so many. 

     I pushed those thoughts from my head. I'll be fine. I have Sammy and Lucas. And Karl will be here too if I need him to be. I know how to deal with my panic attacks now and get over them easier.

     I was interrupted by a loud knock at the door. I ran over, beating Sammy to answer it. I answered the door still giggling to see who had arrived. It was Karl.

     "Oh, Hey."


Hehehehe I have to put this in to two parts because 1) It took forever to write so y'all are probably waiting for a new part 2) suspense and 3) this part is quite literally like 1400 words so if I wanted to fit everything in here it would be like suuuuuuuper long and annoying so here. A gift. <3

Write soon, Love ya <3 

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