Chapter 3

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What will they think of me?


     I stared out the window for the rest of the car ride, thinking of everything we would be doing during our trip. The Airbnb were staying at is in the same neighborhood as my childhood home, so if everyone stayed in relatively to same spot, I'd be in walking distance of my best friends... I wonder if they've been thinking of me as much as I have about them.

     I recognize everything we pass by. It feels like it's been decades since I came back here, but realistically it's hasn't been that long. I mean, 6 years is long, but not as long as it feels like it's been.

     As the car pulled up in front of the house, I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. I was the first one with my luggage and the first one at the front door. I was excited  to be home to say the least.

     My mom opened the door and let us in the house. I immediately ran upstairs to choose the room I wanted, because if I didn't, Lucas was going to.

     Once I picked, I ditched my bags and shoes by the door before flipping dramatically onto the comfortable mattress. I was so happy to finally be able to lay down.

     I sighed softly as I realized I had schoolwork to do, as well as whatever stupidness my mom decided to pull out of her ass this time. I slowly got up and grabbed my backpack and pulled out my laptop. I set myself up at the small desk that was in the corner.

     Lucas knocked at my door before walking in. He saw I was working and decided to sit on the edge of my bed.

     "Hey, Mom said Amy and those guys are coming over for dinner and a movie tonight, so they can catch up." Luke said as he looked around my room.

     "Amy like...Karl's mom Amy?" (That's right I named his mom) I tilted my head to the side to look at Luke.

     "No, Amy Kravitz from 8th grade. Yes Karl's mom Amy!" Luke rolls his eyes before busting out in laughter. He stood up soon after to leave. "Mom wants you to dress in something other than a hoodie and sweatpants by the way. Her exact words were 'Make sure they look like they actually care about coming back' if I remember correctly."

     "Got it, I'll be sure to put a little elbow grease in." I chuckled.

     "Good, they're coming over at like 7. Call me if you need anything, I'm across the hall." Luke waved before opening the door and walking out. He shut the door behind him with a soft click and I immediately went back to work. It's like 4:30 now so I want to get at least two pages done before I had to get ready at 5.

Time skip courtesy of my laziness

     I finished three pages of the story before I started getting ready. I went into the closet I had unloaded my things into earlier to search for an outfit. I grab some simple black ripped jeans and an oversized sweater. I walk into my bathroom to put the outfit on properly. 

     As I looked in the mirror, I tuck the front part of my sweater into my jeans, letting the rest hang around my hips. The neck hole of the sweater is just big enough that you can see the ends of my collar bones sticking out. I toss my feet onto the counter to cuff my jeans above my Doc's and tie them up. Usually I don't wear shoes in the house for comfort reasons, but it's a special occasion, so I'll make an exception.

     I heard the front door open and shut downstairs, followed by a symphony of excited voices. I guess they're here. I took in a deep breath before walking out of my bathroom back into my room. I don't know why seeing people I know already makes me so nervous. I chalked it up to me just getting jitters from being excited.

     I grabbed my phone from the charger on my nightstand before walking out into the hallway, where the voices became clearer. I hear my Mom, Lucas, Amy, and a guy and a girl's voices. Okay, I know at least 3 of these people. I took a breath to calm myself and decided it was time to get over this bullshit and just go down there.

     I slowly descended the stairs, careful not to fall because I wasn't used to this staircase yet. When I made it down and rounded the corner, I saw the sources of the other two voices. Corry I recognized instantly, she looks the same as when we left. And... is that Karl?  God, he looks so much different. He looks cute.

     What I hadn't realized was that when everyone heard me get to the bottom of the steps, their attention got brought to me. As I looked at the somewhat familiar faces, all the nervousness I had got better and worse at the same time. I smiled and waved at everyone softly. 

     I watched as everyone's face lit up at the sight of, Karl's face the most. I semi-expected that since he was like my best friend as a child. I watched as his tall figured raced towards me and lifted me up by the waist in a hug. I giggled a little and wrapped my arms around in attempts to return his hug. 

     "Y/N!!! Oh my god you look so different!" Karl exclaimed as he put me back down. The hug stayed in place, it was just more manageable now.

     My arms instinctively wrapped around his middle as we enjoyed the embrace we had probably both been waiting for for a while. I forgot how good of a hugger Karl is. My chin slowly lifted as I looked up at his now matured face. He looked so different and so similar at the same time.

     "So do you! I'm so happy to see you!" I grinned. Our feet tapped the ground lightly as we rocked back and forth in each other's arms.

      I don't know why it came out 'happy to see you' and not 'happy to see you all' but its whatever, I'll deal with that later. Our hug eventually broke, to which I went over and greeted Karl's mom and sister. It was so good to see them, I don't know why I was so nervous.

     Now, I am starved.


Ohhhhhh, its time for things to get more interesting. Don't worry, I'll try to update the sapnap x reader tomorrow, but we'll see. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and be sure to vote and comment any suggestions. (Also you should totally recommend this story to friends if they're interested.) Bye, have a good day!

Published: 2/24/21

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