Chapter 10 Pt2

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TW: Panic Attack Mention

"Oh, Hey"

Weird, he's usually much more excited to see me. I stepped to the side to let him in the house. After he walked in I closed the door, looking at Sammy with a confused look. She just shrugged back as a response.

I followed Karl to the kitchen where me, him and Sammy were all just kind of sitting there talking. I returned to my place on the counter and finished off my monster. I removed the tab from the top and slipped it into my pocket before basketball throwing my can into the trash can.

"KOBE, OOOOOOO" I yelled in excitement.

"YOOOOOO" Sammy yelled back, making air horn sounds with her mouth.

Karl just didn't seem as into it as he usually does, I don't know, maybe he's tired or something. I shrugged it off and continued with the banter until everyone had arrived.

At this point we were just waiting for Sam's dad to come with Crystal. I heard a knock at the door and immediately ran over to answer it. As I opened the door I saw Sam's dad. I flashed a quick smile but was immediately interrupted by something hitting and attaching itself to my leg.

I looked down to see a 10 year old girl hugging onto my leg like it was keeping her alive.

"Y/N!" She happily exclaimed, showing me the widest smile she could make.

"Hello Crystal" I smiled, bending down to actually hug her. "I missed you so much while I was gone! I'm sorry I haven't come back to visit."

"That's okay." She said, "I'm just so excited you're back!" I felt her start bouncing up and down because of how excited she was.

Karl POV

I cracked a smile as I watched Y/N talk to Crystal. They've always been so good with kids. They'd be so cute as a parent. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I internally slapped myself. Stop that, Karl. You heard them yesterday, they don't like you like that.

I felt a pair of eyes on me and when I turned to see who it was, Sammy was looking straight at me. Well shit.

"Yes?" I asked in a soft voice.

"You're blushing." She said, pointing up at my face.

I touched my own cheek like I didn't know it was happening. "Oh yeah, I guess I am."


"I um-" I couldn't think of a good lie for this one. Plus, Sam isn't the kind to spill your secrets to anyone that asks. "I was thinking about Y/N as a parent, I'm gonna be honest."

I saw Sammy's face light up like she wanted me to say that all long. She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything Y/N's mom called everyone outside for dinner.

I followed everyone else outside and sat in my seat. I quietly waited for food, but my thoughts were anything but. Should I tell them? I mean it wouldn't hurt to tell them how I feel. I already know how they feel about me.

I felt a soft hand lay over mine. When I looked up, I saw Y/N looking at me with a smile on their face. They're so cute. I cracked a small grin back at them, which seemed to satisfy the worry written all over their face.


I let go of Karl's hand just as everyone was getting their plate. I'm a little worried about him. He looks like he's thinking 1,000 thoughts a minute. As everyone got settled in, small conversations started. I didn't usually mind dinner table conversations, but now that there's like 10 people at the table, it was getting to be a bit much.

TW: Panic Attack

Everyone's voices started to sort of mold together so I was no longer hearing conversations, just talking. But it was like they were all speaking a foreign language. I couldn't decipher words or topics, it was just loud.

I felt as my chest tightened up and my heart started to beat faster. It was getting harder to breathe and my brain was moving too fast for me to listen. But I did understand one thing, I needed to go.

Without thinking or talking, I got up from the table and walked back inside into the kitchen. I leaned over the counter and took deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself down.

After a few seconds I heard the door open and close, and footsteps coming up to me. I looked to see who it was. Karl, great. The exact man who I didn't want seeing me like this.

He got up closer and wrapped his arms around me, like he did at the arcade. He didn't even ask what happened, he was just trying to comfort me in the moment. I quickly turned and attached myself to him with a hug. Tears began to stream down my face, and I'm sure they got on his shirt.

TW Over

I felt him as he placed his chin on my head and started rubbing my back slowly. He drew small shapes with his finger to help me calm down. I'm not sure how, but he was extremely good at calming me down. Just his presence made me feel better.

Once he noticed I had calmed down, he pulled me away from him a little bit.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked, looking me up and down to make sure I was okay.

"Yeah. I-I'm fine" Okay, didn't want my voice to be that broken up, but we'll deal I guess. "It was just really loud and I got all panicky."

"Well I'm happy you're okay now." He said, pulling my head back into his chest.

I was a little surprised, but I wasn't complaining about it. He just held me there for a few minutes. After a little bit he cleared his throat.

"Can I talk to you about something?" He asked, looking down at me.

I simply nodded and looked up at him, ready to listen.

"The other day- I heard what you said in the room with Sammy. About not liking me like that. And I'm fine with it, I respect your feelings." I could hear every single one of his emotions build up in his throat. "But I just wanted to tell you that I do like you like that."

I just stood there in shock for a moment. He heard that? I thought that was Lucas, oh my god I'm the biggest idiot ever.

"I- Karl-" I sighed and looked down. "I didn't mean it. You can ask Sammy as well, I just said that because I thought Lucas was passing by the room. I had no idea. I- I'm so sorry..."

"Hey, it's fine" His hand cupped my face gently.

I looked back up into his eyes, which was difficult for me. I felt so safe with Karl, I always have. When we were kids, all the way up to when I left for New York. A weak grin crossed my lips, and I felt myself being pulled in. Not on purpose, almost like someone was controlling me. I leaned forward without thinking and kissed him.

We broke it after a few moments, staring wordlessly at each other. Both of our cheeks were bright pink and we were smiling at each other.

"Do you want to go back outside? The food is probably getting cold." Karl asked, laughing a bit through his words.

"Yeah, let's go." I nodded.


Hey besties, it's the moment we've all been waiting for! They smooched!!!! I have some big plans for this fic that you will all see very soon. Also if I published an x oc would y'all read it? I have one written (or at least started) and idk if I should actually publish it or not. Make sure to let me know. (Also If you are reading this a second time, I edited it a little bit because the Kissing scene was poorly written and out of no where, so I fixed it up a little bit)

Write soon, Love ya <3

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