Chapter 5

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Shit, I really didn't wanna do that.

Karl's POV

     It was about half way through the movie when I realized that Y/N was fast asleep on my shoulder. I felt a small warmth creep up my neck to my cheeks. Nonononono not in front of everyone! I don't wanna get all flustered in front of them, especially because of Y/N. 

     I focused back on the movie, hoping either they would wake up by the end or I could distract myself. I cross my ankle over my knee and start fidgeting with the few rings I have on. I don't know why I was crushing on Y/N so hard, or why it happened so fast, but it was definitely something I'd have to deal with now.

     As the movie continued, Y/N would move around some in their seat. I always made sure to quickly check to make sure they were comfortable and still asleep. Sometimes they wouldn't even move, but I'd still look over to them to admire how calm they looked in their sleep.

     Once the second movie was over, it was getting pretty late. Y/N's mom offered for us to stay the night since they had a Guest room and the couches were pretty big. Mom said we could, but that she was going home cause she had an important meeting for work the next morning. Corry decided she would stay with me here, and that she'd take the guest room. I was fine with her decision, especially because Y/N was still asleep on me.

     Lucas seemed to notice Y/N's dormant state now that we weren't watching a movie. 

     "Hey I could wake them up or carry them upstairs to their room if you'd like, I can't imagine that's very comfortable." He offered, walking up to Y/N's side and reaching for their shoulder to wake them up.

     "No, it's okay. I can manage. You can go upstairs, they'll probably come up when they wake up." I say, putting up my hand in front of Luke's. 

     "You sure it's okay? I can bring them up for you." He asked, looking partially concerned.

     "Yeah, it's fine. Go get some rest, I'm sure you're tired from today" I nodded and look up at Luke with a smile on my face, assuring him I'm fine.

     He just nodded and waved before saying goodnight and going upstairs. I lean back into the couch and start removing some of my jewelry so I don't accidentally fall asleep with it on. I placed everything on the coffee table before adjusting Y/N so we could be more comfortable. 

     I set us up so Y/N was laying between my legs with her head on my chest. I was just leaning up against the arm of the couch with a pillow behind me. Over time Y/N had flipped themselves over and they were now on their stomach, with their arms wrapped around my mid-section. It made me a little flustered, but it didn't really matter because the only person that was around me was asleep.

     I laid there on my phone for a while, not really knowing what to do. I wasn't very tired, and even if I was, I wouldn't want Y/N to wake up and be confused. I've woken up confused before, and it sucks. 

     I looked down at Y/N and brushed some hair from their face. They are so cute. I smile down at them and pull out my phone. I swipe through my apps, eventually opening Snapchat. I snap one picture of Y/N laying on my chest, saving it to my camera roll. I close out of the picture before flipping the camera and taking one with my face in it.

     I admire both the photos with a smile plastered on my lips. After a couple minutes I put my phone back down and look down at Y/N's sleeping face again. I hesitantly put my hand on their head and started to run my fingers through their hair. It felt so soft. I didn't know playing with someone else's hair could be so comforting, but hey, I've been surprised a lot in the past 24 hours, why not surprise me some more? 

     I paused my hand for a moment and just let it rest on the back of their head comfortably. I'm so happy they came back to visit, even if it's only for a little while. A soft groan came from Y/N as they adjusted themselves again for the like 100th time tonight. Damn, they really are a restless sleeper.

     I go back to messing with their hair for a while before checking the time on my phone and deciding I should go to sleep, even if I'm not tired. I sink further down on the couch until I'm laying comfortably and bring one of my hands up to rest on the back of Y/N's head again. My hand is still, I just enjoy the feeling of their hair against my palm. 

    I close my eyes softly and eventually fall asleep with the help of the weight on my chest.

Today was a good day.


Ooooooooo fluff chapter pog! A thing you will learn about me is that I really enjoy writing fluff, so you will be seeing a lot more. Anyway I did the thing I promised myself not to do and came up with an Idea for another fanfic. I won't be starting that one until I'm at the LEAST halfway done one of the ones I'm currently working on, but I'm going to try and put it off until I finish one. I'm probably gonna post another chapter for this story tomorrow just so I can get both stories up to 6 chapters. Anyway, Vote and Comment anything really. 

Write Tomorrow, Love ya <3

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