Louie grimaced. - "Very descriptive. Very horrifying. Very unlikely."

"Now, now, Lou, don't get cocky just yet. There's still a lot of time to before your final act." - Ringleader rejoiced, tossing his cane between his two hands. Before spinning on his heels. - "Strongman, Mystic, follow me! We have to prepare for dear Lewellyn's final act."

The three performers laughed, or Ringleader and the Mystic laughed, while Strongman gave what sounded like a series of grunts, before turning and following his master's commands to leave.

Leaving Louie alone.

Hours passed, and the thief had decided the best use of his time was to probably try and get some sleep, as though he was an accomplished escape artist, the shackles around his hands and feet were so tightly bound that without any of his lockpicks, there was nothing short of amputation which would allow him to escape his restraints.

The carriage had stopped shaking, implying that the train had stopped moving, and there was now light pouring through the small inescapable window... Louie had slept through the night.

Such as the previous night, moments after Louie had opened his eyes, one of the doors slid open and a member of the circus entered, causing him to wonder if the carriage had some hidden cameras built into the walls.

"How ya doing Louie?" - Came a smug-laced voice, the teen thief hadn't heard before.

It was the chicken who had hit him with the knock-out-dart, the one dressed in the red tunic, and the emerald cloak, with a bow, blowgun and quiver strapped to her back, strangely she was also carrying a bowl of steaming food, that sent a pain of hunger through Louie.

He shrugged. - "Have a bit of crick in my neck due to sleeping at a right-angle, but not too bad." - He answered with a smile. - "So, who are you supposed to be? A Robin-Hood cosplayer, who decided that giving to the poor was too much effort?"

The woman gave a singular, dry, sarcastic laugh. - "Name's TrickShot."

"Weird, the Circus of Six already had a clown, wonder why they decided to hire a second one."

"Mock all you want, but I am the World's greatest markswoman, and the mercenary who beat Louie Gold."

Louie adjusted his sitting position, causing his chains to rattle. - "You know everybody who has ever said that, is eventually beaten by me." - He spat back, before his stomach rumbled again.

"Hungry Lou?" - The arrogant woman asked, before revealing what seemed to be a bowl of chilli in her arms. - "Tell you what, I'll let you eat. If you beg me." - She said, as she scooped up a spoonful of the meat dish, and offered to him temptingly.

Still having a shred of dignity left, Louie turned his head away, which instead of deterring TrickShot, only caused her to up the ante.

"Are you sure you don't what any of this yummy chilli, Lou?" - She questioned, before deciding to change tactics. - "Here comes the aeroplane." - She cooed, before manoeuvring the spoon full of chilli in front of the thief's beak.

Again, Louie was resilient, refusing to eat any of the food being offered.

TrickShot shrugged. - "Suit yourself." - Spinning the spoon around, she began eating the chilli, making noises of delight in order to further antagonise her captive.

"Did Strongman make that chilli?" - Louie asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah, why? Regretting not having any?"

Louie smiled. - "Nah, I'm just wondering if you knew that he boils the rice in water filtered after he uses it to clean his leotard."

"WHAT?" - The markswoman screamed, before spitting out her mouthful and scraping her tongue clean with her spoon.

Louie snickered. - "Oh, I was just kidding. But it useful to know how little you know about your comrades."

Scowling, TrickShot dropped the food, the bowl breaking into pieces and causing chilli to leak out of the cracks. - "You know I think I preferred you unconscious." - She snarled, before stabbing him in the leg with one of the knock-out-darts she kept on her belt.

In seconds, Louie was unconscious, with the last image he saw being the smirking TrickShot turning and leaving the carriage.


 Louie wasn't sure where he was, again he had been drugged by the markswoman, but this time instead of being chained to the floor of a train carriage, he was now standing, and while his hands were still chained together, now a bag had been thrown over his head, so he had no idea where he was.

Suddenly a voice began speaking, and from the sounds of it was being put through speakers.


A series of cheers followed, and Louie felt his stomach drop. - 'They couldn't have...' - He thought.

"TONIGHT THE CIRCUS OF SIX ARE HAPPY TO PRESENT A NEW TYPE OF ACT, WHICH COMBINES BOTH ESCAPISM AND TRAPEZE TO CREATE..." - Louie had the bag being ripped from his head, revealing his position high above the rest of the circus, and how his arms were bound by a yellowing straitjacket. - "ESCAPE FROM THE TIGHTROPE!"

Suddenly all of the circus' lights were on Louie, revealing his precarious position to the onlookers below. 

Evaluating his position, Louie managed a small smile. - 'Least there's a safety net.' - He thought.


The net below collapse, leaving there nothing but 20feet of air between the tightrope and the hard ground.

Louie sighed. - "Well that's just typical."

Thanks for reading Ch.14 of 'Legacy'. I want to thank everyone who has read this fanfiction and the predecessor 'Destiny' as it has helped me reach 100 followers on Wattpad! Anyway, I hope you comment, vote, follow me, and read Ch.15 -MM

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