30 In the best hands

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"Babe? Can you come here, please?" I called out to Roman.

"What's up, Supergirl?" he asked as he joined me in the nursery.

"Can you maybe hang up those two pictures before you go to the gym?" I wanted to know.

"Sure. Where do you want them?" he replied.

"I've already marked the spots for you." I said, giving him a quick kiss and then heading to the kitchen to get a snack.

Okay, snack was maybe not the right word. Because right now the twins had a huge craving for fresh waffles with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and strawberries. This was more of a full-on meal than a little snack, but whatever. I enjoyed the pregnancy cravings to the fullest while I had them.

"All set. Do you need anything else before I go?" asked Roman as he joined me in the kitchen.

"Hmm, no. I don't think so. But remember to keep your phone close by. Just in case." I said as I shoved a big piece of waffle into my mouth.

"Of course. Please call right away. Even at the slightest twinge. Then I'll come home right away." he replied and then leaned in to give me a goodbye kiss.

But then I saw his hand trying to grab one of my strawberries. Almost out of reflex, I slapped his hand.

"Hey! I only wanted one!" he complained.

"No! These are the strawberries of the babies and me. Mama needs her food. Get your own." I replied.

"Okay, okay. I forgot you don't like to share right now. Alright, I'm off then. I love you and you guys too!" he said first to me and then to my belly before pressing two kisses to my bump. After that he straightened up again and gave me another loving kiss as well.

"We love you too, Daddy!" I giggled.

While Roman was at the gym, I kept myself busy washing and drying the twin's new clothes and sorting them into the closet. All those teeny tiny clothes were really going to fit the two of them. It was hard to believe. And what was also hard to believe was that it wouldn't be long before they would be here with us. They could really come at any time now.

I was a little nervous about the prospect of having to take care of two babies at once, but our family was immediately on hand and assured us of their support. It was probably a good thing, because I didn't know much about newborns. And to be honest, I was terrified that I might make a mistake.

Roman was an absolute sweetheart. Whenever I had concerns or worries, he took the time to listen to me. Again and again he assured me that everything would go well and that I would be a great Mama for our two children. He always managed to calm my nerves quickly. Both of our mothers were also there for me at all times. 

When I was done, I sat down on the couch and put my aching legs up. Maybe I could convince Roman to give me a foot massage when he was back home. I could really use one right now. I was reaching for my pregnancy book when my handsome husband came striding into the living room. His hair was still wet from the shower and the shirt he was wearing fit him like a second skin.

Damn, sometimes I really could not believe what I was married to this god of a man. With him I had won the jackpot in every possible way.

"Hey my Superman! How was the workout?" I asked him as he leaned down and kissed me.

"It was good. How are you guys feeling?" he replied as he plopped down on the couch next to me.

"My feet hurt. Would you mind rubbing them a little?" I wanted to know and took his hand in mine.

"Say no more. Let me see your feet, baby girl." he smiled and pulled my swollen feet onto his lap and began to massage them skillfully.

"Ohhh... that feels so good!" I groaned softly.

"Good." he grinned with satisfaction.

A while later we were cuddled together on the couch watching old matches on the WWE Network. Roman's hand lazily stroked my stomach. The twins loved it when he did that. It always felt a little more relaxed in my belly then. Even though it was hard to tell at this stage. It was pretty crowded in there and they had little room to move around.

I was about to doze off when Roman suddenly noticed something. He quickly straightened up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Baby girl? I think your water broke!" he exclaimed, flustered.

As he said this I suddenly felt the moisture soaking into my pants. I grabbed Roman's hand so he could help me sit up.

"Oh... um... I think you're right," I stammered in surprise.

"Okay, come on Mama. Let's get you to the hospital." he replied, gently pulling me to my feet.

"But I'm not in labor yet," I argued.

"It doesn't matter. I read that you go to the hospital as soon as your water breaks. With or without contractions. We'll go get you cleaned up real quick and then be on our way, baby girl. I want you and the babies to be in the best hands," he explained quickly.

"All right. You're right. But I can tell you this. As long as you're with us, we're in the best hands, Ro!" I replied.

With that, I made my way to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Roman called the hospital to let them know we were on our way. And then he wanted to inform our families that the twins were coming.

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