4 What a morning

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I think it was unnecessary to say that it was damn hard for me to sleep at all during this night. I just couldn't get Roman's words out of my head. That he couldn't get me out of his head. In addition, I still saw his face in front of me and how his smile curled his full lips and tiny wrinkles formed around his eyes.

It really wasn't fair to womankind that there were men who were so incredibly good looking. Maybe that was one of the reasons why a lot of people didn't like him. I suspected that it was mostly men whose wives were openly pining for Roman. They were all jealous, that was probably the simplest explanation.

As I stood in front of the restaurant he had chosen, I got really nervous. What if this meeting was going to be totally awkward and tense today? And did this count as a date today? My head was a mess, that much was clear.

I just turned around and looked in the other direction when I suddenly caught sight of him. Roman was wearing dark blue jeans and a black leather jacket over a white shirt. His hair was slicked back into a tight bun.

Lord help me. He looked so fucking good, it should be illegal. I can't imagine there's a hotter, more godlike man on this planet. He was somehow the whole package. Roman was sexy, he was warm, kind, funny, and that deep voice. And he was a gentleman. It didn't get any better than that, at least not for me.

"Good morning, Y/N. Good to see you. Is everything okay?" he greeted me and then looked down at me a little worried.

I was so absorbed in staring at him that I completely forgot to answer.

"Good morning Roman. Yes, everything is fine. I was just lost in thought." I finally replied, feeling my face darken a few shades yet again. It was really maddening that people always saw immediately when I was flustered.

"May I ask what you were thinking about?" he asked softly, reaching out his hand to me and gently stroking my rosy cheek.

Of course, this led directly to me becoming even more flushed. What was he doing to me? In addition, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

"You may ask, but I don't necessarily have to answer the question. Are you hungry?" I replied hoping to change the subject.

"Mmmh okay. I'll get my answer later baby girl. Right now I'm starving. Come on." he spoke with a grin and then took my hand in surprise.

While he still held my hand, we were taken to a free table. Once there, he adjusted the chair for me himself before taking off his jacket to reveal a stunning, detailed tattoo.

"Wow, that's amazing!" I gasped.

"Thanks. I love it too. It goes all over the arm." he explained with and then stretched out his arm and flexed his muscles. With that, he gave me a perfect view of his biceps and the details of the tattoo.

"Impressive. That must have hurt a lot." I said as I was still staring at his arm. Which he was clearly enjoying. Little show-off.

"Nope. It was okay." replied Roman, playing it down. Maybe he was trying to impress me with his tough side.

Honestly, that wasn't necessary at all. I could already feel him captivating me. The butterflies in my stomach could have been airplanes as well. I was starting to fall for him and there was nothing I wanted or could do about it.

We ordered our food and talked the whole time without any weird pauses. He explained to me what he meant by his comment about Indianapolis. Apparently he and his group had their main roster debut here. Then I guess the group split up here before reuniting just last night.

Apparently Indi really had a special meaning in Roman's life. Oh, and he also told me that his nickname in the WWE was 'Big dog'. Now of course I knew why he found his statement yesterday so hilarious.

By now we were on our third cup of coffee and Roman was holding my hand on top of the table. His thumb was making little circles on the back of my hand, creating sparks under my skin.

"Where are we going next?" I asked at one point.

"I'm flying home this afternoon to Tampa and then I'm off to Portland, Oregon this weekend for a couple of house shows and Raw on Monday. And what about you?" he explained.

"When Jayne and her husband get back from their honeymoon, I'm going to Europe for a couple of weeks. I have some photo shoots in Berlin, London and Paris." I replied while looking into his beautiful deep eyes.

"Oh that's too bad. I was hoping we could meet more often. Maybe I should hire you as my private photographer," he said.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again soon. And until then, we can talk on the phone and text. That is, if you'd like to." I replied.

"I sure do. Too bad work gets in the way of life." he said, sounding a little thoughtful.

"True. There's not much you can do about it, I'm afraid." I spoke a little sadly.

"Like I said... I can hire you myself. Then you'll be paid to spend time with me," Roman said.

"Oh I'm sure that could be arranged, Mr. Reigns. But maybe you should check out my work first," I replied with a smirk.

"I have no doubt you're great, baby girl. In every way." he said and smirked too.

A short time later we said goodbye with a hug. And oh my god did the man smell heavenly. I wouldn't mind just hanging on his neck and sniffing him all day long.

"I'll see you soon, baby girl." said Roman before he gave me another kiss on the cheek and we went our separate ways. What a great morning this was. Hopefully there would be more of this in the future.

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