26 Planning and goofing around

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Roman POV

"So tell me, how's the planning going for the wedding?" Seth asked me as we were going to the gym together to squeeze in a workout before the show.

"Well, it's all going very well. We don't really have to worry about anything ourselves. The moms have kind of taken over completely. They just ask our opinion from time to time or send us pictures of things to let us choose one or the other. That's about it. Y/N bought her dress last week and I have an appointment next week for my suit. So that's what I was told anyway. Then we just need rings." I explained to him as I set the speed on the treadmill.

"Man, you guys are so lucky that they're doing this for you. I can imagine it would take forever if you had to organize everything on your own. I mean, with the whole being on the road so much and all." replied Seth who got on the treadmill next to me.

"It's a big help. That's for sure. And I have to say that I love how well our moms get along. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Y/N's parents move near us sometime in the future." I said as we started jogging.

"It all sounds almost too perfect." he laughed.

"Trust me, it's not always like that. But nothing worth having just falls into your lap. It takes a lot of work and dedication to get there. For example, it took two days to convince Y/N that she can't take our wedding photos herself. She insisted that it could be done with self-timers and all the technology. But I want her to enjoy our wedding and not run around like a chicken without a head and be totally stressed. Sometimes she is pretty stubborn, but in the end she realized that it is just impossible to do it herself.

So now we've hired a photographer who meets Y/N's high standards. I swear she had him show her every photo the guy ever took. She explained to him in great detail what kind of photos she wanted and how they should be done. She is so passionate about what she does. I really love that. Y/N is a force of nature." I added.

"You called?" I suddenly heard someone ask behind me.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Y/N come running over to us. Apparently she had heard her name, but not what I was talking about.

"Oh hey, baby girl!" I said, turning off the treadmill and walking over to her.

"I was just telling Seth how you gave the photographer for the wedding a hard time," I said laughing before giving her a quick kiss.

"I didn't! Okay, maybe a little bit. I just know what I want." she replied as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I know and that's why I love you so much, baby!" I said and gave her another kiss.

"Hey, are we working out or what?" asked Seth suddenly.

"Be with you in a minute. Do you want to join us?" I asked Y/N.

"Hmm... no, I think I'll pass. I rather take some pictures of you guys sweating. I'm sure the fans would really appreciate it. But I'll keep the best ones of you all to myself." she smirked.

"Oh yeah? As if you didn't have enough photos of me already!" I replied with a wink.

"There can never be enough photos of you, Superman! Just go ahead and don't mind me." she said, running her hand slowly over my chest.

"You know... I can also just use you as a weight bar. For bench pressing, for example." I spoke, grabbed her and lifted her high above my head with stretched arms before she even had time to say anything back or react.

"Ahhhh... oh my god... Roman... put me down..." gasped Y/N in surprise, clinging to my arm with all her power.

"Nah! I think you're a great piece of fitness equipment, baby girl!" I laughed and lifted her up and down a few times.

"Just you wait, Mr. Reigns... I am so going to get my revenge on you!" she scolded, but I knew she wasn't serious because she could barely keep from laughing.

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