5 Waiting for Superman

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Finally back on American territory, I switched my phone to regular mode and immediately received a notification. Roman had apparently sent me a video.

Over the course of the last few weeks, we were actually in constant contact. We talked on the phone as often as we could, even though the time difference with Europe made it quite difficult. And when we weren't on the phone, we were texting practically all the time. Only interrupted by our respective work.

It was really fun and I could already hardly imagine a life without Roman in it. I couldn't wait to see him again. Well, in person and not in video calls or photos.

Now as I stood at the baggage carousel waiting for my suitcase, I looked at what video he had sent me. Oh, that little fucker. He did that on purpose to tease me. It was a video of him doing squats with weights and it gave me a perfect view of his ass.

My goodness. And what a nice sight that was. I was sure he knew 100% what he was doing. He was a natural tease and flirt. Which didn't help me one bit. Most of the time I was just at a loss for words.

It was so unusual for me to feel so sheepish and speechless. Normally I always had a suitable, often sarcastic or snarky even sassy, answer ready. But not when it came to this man. With just a sly smile, he turned me into a little giggling schoolgirl.

And I had to honestly admit that it was somehow a great feeling. It was a feeling that I had not had for a long time or maybe even ever.

Without thinking twice, I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey baby girl! How was your flight?" spoke Roman on the other end of the line.

"Hi Superman! It was alright, long but good. How are you? How was the pay per view last night?" I asked as I picked up my suitcase with my other hand.

"Oh it was great. We whooped their asses!" he chuckled.

"Speaking of asses...you couldn't help it, huh?" I retorted.

"I have no idea what you mean, Y/N." he said innocently.

"Sure you don't. But just so you know, Roman. It was a very nice video. Although I must say I'd rather see it live and in person," I replied.

"That can easily be arranged, if we can see each other again sometime. It's about time for the second date. Almost six weeks between dates is not acceptable." he spoke.

"I agree with you. And I promise you that we will see each other very soon. Because, as strange as it may sound, I miss you. Even though we haven't known each other for long," I said, feeling the warmth rising in my face once again.

"I feel the same. I have to get going now. I'll call you tonight after the show, okay baby girl?" he replied and I just felt he meant it.

"I sure hope so. Have fun and don't kill yourself," I joked.

"I'll avoid it. Otherwise, there won't be a second date. I'll talk to you later. Bye." said Roman laughing.

"Bye, Superman." I replied and then hung up. 

After putting my phone away again, I made sure I had everything and then made my way through customs.

After the video he sent me and the phone call just now, I could wait even less to finally see him again.

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